1tc duels.

It doesn't get much more Fahsod than that.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Lol, fahsod duels for compliments.
"I'll duel you... 5 compliment ABD. Best 3/5"
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Hey, sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been pretty busy (and so totally not trapped in a rape dungeon or anything) >.>; How is everyone?
Originally Posted by Aelise View Post
Hey, sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been pretty busy (and so totally not trapped in a rape dungeon or anything) >.>; How is everyone?

LIES!!! sacrifice to the loxy or the Aeli gets it!
I have prepared a ritual sacrifice in exchange for aelise's life

his name his hobo and he's a virgin, we all know they make the best sacrifices for some reason.
what am i doing here
or a flock of kangaroos
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
alright guys I'm sorry but I'm sacrificing you all due to direct orders from evilock

see you in the afterlife

oh and remember


what am i doing here
Aelise is gone forever, don't fall for loxy's mind Games.

you're all still being sacrificed in the name of Zoltan though.
Last edited by Facade; Aug 19, 2013 at 04:50 AM.
what am i doing here