Woohooman : For me its a "not yet".

Try to be more confident in your style. Work more your arms when you dont use them (they are sticked), avoid the jump position you done in the Epic agressive spar at 1050. You have a bit lack of balance still (you take a bit too many time to keep back after a landing for exemple).

Continue to work, I can see a personal style coming for you.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Name:James or Pwr
Player Card:
About Your Self: I'm an in-training replay maker and I need an organization to help me. I do alot of single-player parkour and madmans. I'm a good leader and know how to follow rules and take advice.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: Replay making, Keyframing, Art making(banners and textures)
Replays (3 replays):
Attached Files
0Amps.rpl (195.2 KB, 17 views)
Parkourpath2.rpl (221.5 KB, 16 views)
ComboSpar!2.rpl (559.0 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Pwr; Mar 6, 2013 at 12:32 PM.
Name: Gage R. (xAR1ELx)
Age: 14
Player Card:
About Your Self: Im 14, I make Games (coder), I am the leader of the PYROCADT (clan and developer team) We are somewhat famous on Youtube (227 Subscribers), I can make Textures, And i'm a good video editor.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I can get us (more) noticed on Youtube, VERY fast (100 Subscribers every 2 days with my advertising skills) i can advertise on my website ( (we are working on getting our own domain name(.com))), i'm very good at aikaido, And i can make Evolution a website with a .com domain.

Sorry, I don't know how to add replays... But most are of parkour...
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
Name:James or Pwr
Player Card:
About Your Self: I'm an in-training replay maker and I need an organization to help me. I do alot of single-player parkour and madmans. I'm a good leader and know how to follow rules and take advice.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: Replay making, Keyframing, Art making(banners and textures)
Replays (3 replays):

Keyframing ? What is it ? Could you post your textures and banners plz ?

Originally Posted by xAR1ELx View Post
Name: Gage R. (xAR1ELx)
Age: 14
Player Card:
About Your Self: Im 14, I make Games (coder), I am the leader of the PYROCADT (clan and developer team) We are somewhat famous on Youtube (227 Subscribers), I can make Textures, And i'm a good video editor.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I can get us (more) noticed on Youtube, VERY fast (100 Subscribers every 2 days with my advertising skills) i can advertise on my website ( (we are working on getting our own domain name(.com))), i'm very good at aikaido, And i can make Evolution a website with a .com domain.

Sorry, I don't know how to add replays... But most are of parkour...

At the right of the icon to put an emoticone, you have the "attachement" button. This is the button to put a replay.

Post the link to your youtube channel, post your art. We dont want words, we want proves. Bytheway, be carefull when you use words like "famous" when you talk about yourself. 227 subscribers doesn't mean nothing (and what could you say about you famous in comparaison with others amateur channels that have more than 10 000 sub ?). Over time, it is the consistency of views and enrolled which is important.
Last edited by Mocucha; Apr 14, 2013 at 02:04 PM.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Name: Steve
Age: 14
Player Card:

About Your Self:
Well, I'm a normal Toribash player, like everyone else. I started back in 2009 with another account and now I have this one, which has the name I put everywhere. I took some long breaks but now I'm back and more active than ever, I even got more into forums. In real life it's not exactly going too well, being some more of an introvert, I spend more time alone...Or with just with the few friend I have. I like drawing, and logical things, I like solving the Rubik's cube, almost becoming a speedcuber (Solve less than 1min 30seconds), well, at least that's what I call a speedcuber. I live in Romania, which isn't the best country (it's in Europe), but it works. And that's about it, I think.

Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I do renders in cinema 4D, I also tried doing things on photshop but that didn't work out so I'm sticking to this, I also wanted to do music, and learned a little of that but still, not working. Maybe some of you know me from the art thread I made showing my renders ( I also do some video editing, it's fairly ok I think:


The only problem is that my toribash skill is pretty low, I can barely spar, I only played aikido all my 'Torilife'.
Replays (3 replays):
Right, so...I really have no idea what to post, but I got only 2 things, and they pretty much suck, and I suppose you'll laugh at the lack of skill in these ones
Attached Files
F0.rpl (182.8 KB, 9 views)
v5156v6v5v1.rpl (76.7 KB, 9 views)
Spartest1.rpl (345.6 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Sluup; Apr 27, 2013 at 06:13 PM.
Name:Edgars or just Ed
Player Card:

About Your Self: Well im 13 and I live in Latvia Its in Europe. I started toribash in 2009 with my first account ''Edgarino''
I really really like toribash and im tryng to be as active as I can on the forums and in-game.
School is getting harder and theres alot of homework and stuff so im getting in-active day by day.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?:Well I'm a video maker but I dont call myself a proffesional like mocucha.
Replays (3 replays):Besides posting replays I'll post videos


~Edit; If i need to post replays ask me ;)

Last edited by Th3CrAzY; Jun 3, 2013 at 07:56 PM.
nama Frank

About Your Self: Well im 13 and I live in Latvia Its in Europe. I started toribash in 2009 with my first account ''Edgarino''
I really really like toribash and im tryng to be as active as I can on the forums and in-game.
School is getting harder and theres alot of homework and stuff so im getting in-active day by day.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?:Well I'm a video maker but I dont call myself a proffesional like mocucha.
Replays (3 replays):Besides posting replays I'll post videos
Hey, uh, Darkneszzz.
I think I've seen your app before
I don't know where though.
Obviously sarcasm right here.

I'm not a part of The Team, but I think it's obvious to say
Make up your own application with your own personal information.
Name:Alan or Kid
Player Card:
About Your Self:I turned 15 on july 15 I got into this game by watching youtubers play it. I love this game and its alot of fun I love sports and toribash thats what I play during the summer :3 im an active player and I dont back out of a mach im a good player and I show alot of respect to other players and I get along with alot of players.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: Im good at the game I dont back out and im a really likable person I get along with everyone
Replays (3 replays): I dont know how to add replays ):