Original Post
If you are/can/need........
1. If you are banned.. are you also banned from making new accounts on the same PC?
2. If you can freely speak to people ingame, if you insult a GM do you get banned? or are the rules different towards them. Because if i get insulted in some way by a GM if i did it back it wouldnt be fair for me to get infracted for it.
3. When im ingame, if i have been playing on a beginner server 24/7 and i was playing until blue belt... do i get auto kicked from that server? ( A way to farm ).
4. If you alt is in a clan and you are also in a clan on your new account do you get banned? Or just removed from both clans.
5. Is there a way of looking at how many infractions you have?
6. Is it multi-clienting if im playing on two accounts in two different servers? Cause ive seen people play Judo Tourney while playing Twinswords or Aikido tourney
1. Not unless you are ip banned in which case you cannot access the game from the same ip.
2. If you take an insult to far on anyone you can be infracted, depending on the GM infraction chances are different.
3. Last time I checked you do not get auto kicked, however the servers may have updated to stop this.
4. Can't help to much on this one but I don't think it is bannable however I do think that you are kicked from both clans.
5. To look at how many infractions you have click on your name in the top right of the forums then click over to the infractions tab.
6. Multi clienting is when you have more than one client on and are on the game on both, typically people refer to it as having two accounts on the same server though.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
4. You won't get banned for doing that, it's not staff's buisness. But it's not fair, so you would probably be kicked from both clans.
1. so long as you're not ip banned. Account bans mean you can still make new accounts and play.
2. Depends if you're being serious. If you're joking around and they realize that, then no.
3. No. If you've been playing a lot but haven't been farming then no.
4. No. Multi-clanning is looked down upon, but isn't really against the rules.
5. Click your name at the top of the forums, move over to the bar that says infractions near your stats.
6. Multi-clienting isn't allowed on official servers. No one minds if it's on a private server.
6. Multi clienting is allowed on official server, If the multiclienter is on different server. [Ex. I play at gmtourney and twinsword tourney at the same time etc.]As I know
If I was wrong sorry,admin I multiclient :c
left the questions that have been answered well enough out..

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
2. If you can freely speak to people ingame, if you insult a GM do you get banned? or are the rules different towards them. Because if i get insulted in some way by a GM if i did it back it wouldnt be fair for me to get infracted for it.

If you insult anyone severely enough you will be banned. Staff are no different.
Though if you get upset from one simple insult then you need to grow balls. Staff are no different.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
3. When im ingame, if i have been playing on a beginner server 24/7 and i was playing until blue belt... do i get auto kicked from that server? ( A way to farm ).

I haven't exactly tested this out but last time I remember this once you leave a Beginner server when you're Yellow Belt or higher, you can remain in the server despite your belt, though you can't join back in if you happen to leave it. I also don't think you'll be kicked out. The "last time I remember" was something like two or three years ago, though...
Also if you're caught for farming in Beginner, Intermediate or SemiPro servers then you'll get banned severely. Though the word "farming" here is a bit stretchy.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
4. If you alt is in a clan and you are also in a clan on your new account do you get banned? Or just removed from both clans.

I'm no expert with clans, so I can't really answer this one... though if I was a leader of a clan I wouldn't like having a clan member of mine in an other clan on an alt account. Would kick the hell out of him.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
6. Is it multi-clienting if im playing on two accounts in two different servers? Cause ive seen people play Judo Tourney while playing Twinswords or Aikido tourney

While I'm not 100 % sure about what the term "multiclienting" means to answer this, I can tell you if it's a bannable offense, which you seem to want an answer for.
Multiclienting in one official server is against the rules and will get you banned. Being in two different servers of any kind is not against the rules. Multiclienting in a private server won't get you Qi.