My country have 8 school hours, clubs and school activities not included.
Combined with 6 days schooling in a week, and Asian level subjects. Education here is pretty craptastic if I have to say so myself.
I hope I get good exam results tomorrow.
Coz you know, I drank half of a Black Label bottle last year when I got C in Maths. And then I got "Kaboom" and then "Bump" and i realised I bumped my head against my metal bed.
I got 2 stitches for it.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
My country have 8 school hours, clubs and school activities not included.
Combined with 6 days schooling in a week, and Asian level subjects. Education here is pretty craptastic if I have to say so myself.

Lol, where do you live Sicks?
Last edited by Oscar1412; May 17, 2013 at 07:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Oscar1412 View Post

Lol, where do you live Sicks?

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Indonesia have 12 hours school... I'm scared lol, i never will go for indonesia.


Combined with school activities etc. some stricter school actually keep you for more than 12 hours.
Worse, more accredited school requires their students to speak foreign languages, my school included.
Sure I can speak English, Chinese on the other hand....
I'm probably going to museum night today. Not gonna visit museums though. Probably going to take few drinks with my friends and hang out somewhere. Last year at this time I was installing league of legends, took a few drinks and went out with my friend. We ended up walking around for like 4 hours and we were thinking about walking to my home from the center although my home is like 40 minutes away when riding a bus. I called my bro and he picked me up, he was drunk though. I was a bit afraid but it went well. This is going to be the first time of this year when I'm going out for a drink. I'm not socially awkward or something. I'm just lazy to go out and waste 40 minutes in the bus.
I don't want to. I never get drunk. I've only gotten a bit dizzy. I dislike other behavior when drunk so I wouldn't like to be like that myself.
I'll probably just invite friends over as my parents are 4 hours away and it is raining outside.
I don't like being drunk because the price of alcohol here is the same as all-you-can-eat korean BBQ. :3
And we do that all the time, we just drink if something real big comes up, I don't have high tolerance though.