Well now burned is lying in the scam report saying that i gave him the wrong Psn id.
Anyways , what's going on guys ?
Umm. The 2 sentence rule should be taken seriously. Once I'm mod, there'll be a crack down on that shit.

And Manly. Like Lag said, the 2 sentence rule has been on Ethereal for quite a while. We just removed it when we became official. But now we're reinstating it, which means it should be followed like all other rules.
Tbh , after being wrongfully banned , i don't think i'll come on everyday . I may end up quitting TB all together.
Dude, just wait for the whole thing to get sorted through. You don't have to do anything as drastic as that :I
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
I can't go ingame because i'm banned.
I can't Pm users or post on any boards because i'm banned.
Hanz0 is apparently on vacation so he won't be on TB , meaning i'll have to find another mod of my choice in which to seek help with getting my case sorted.
If BurnedBug somehow manages to get me fucked over i'll definately quite toribash.
I've worked too hard , spent too many hours , written too many posts, fought too many fights,just to have have my account stripped of my remaining TC aswell as my items. Burned is trying to throw me under the bus by spreading lies on the report saying i gave him the wrong PSN id and such , but i'm as serious as can be , if he manages to get my account destroyed , i'm terminating all ties i have with toribash , i won't even contact anyone , i'll just go on , will try too completely forget about toribash .
Don't get me wrong, i enjoy toribash and i've had the profound dream of becoming a member of staff for awhile now , but if my stuff is taken to reimburse burnedbug wrongfully, i'm out.
You have an alternate account right there... You can go ingame, you can pm users, and post on the boards...

Not sure where you got that info from. Lol
I meant on my main account .
I can't use my items even if i could send them to my alt , not enough qi.
i don't care to go ingame with this shit either :/
Originally Posted by deeprat View Post
Wow. Deepthroat? Way to be immature. *clap* *clap*. You want two sentences fine: Go die in a hole. Suck my cock. While you dying in the hole, I will throw you a dildo. So you don't have to stop sucking.

That's oh-so mature. Who are you, anyway?

Fingerz: Just wait it out, I don't even think Nabi supports transfers other than TC/ingame item. Not sure why you were banned though, it'll get fixed in time.

Lagswitch: I told everyone that I'm not as active, there's nothing stopping you from pm'ing people the 2 sentence rules and etc. Not sure how effective it would be, but it's something.

Soap: Pm'd erth. Now we wait.

Ninja: How can one be more B& then being b&'d?

Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by Isolations
Sorry deep throat. Seeing as how you can't follow basic rules like having at least two sentences and asking for ally is no longer acceptable, I'm pretty sure I can go ahead and say that you'll get a congressive no.

Seriously, that's kinda disrespectful. Really immature.

Anyway, I'm making a video game for a contest coming up.
Also, I'll be making more music too. I'll post when everything's up.

I won't be active starting tomorrow though. Spending spring break somewhere else for a week.