I'm maybe going to Germany for a week. I aren't very happy about it, I have to spent Christmas Eve in a huge ship that is full of drunken idiots. Otherwise I am really looking forward to it.
Last edited by ikyo_old; Dec 18, 2012 at 05:43 PM.
Yes it is and I'm not happy about it. (I mean the Christmas Eve at the ship)
But it isn't sure am I going there.
God guys, I'm sorry I've been so busy... It's just, I got sponsored for a League of Legends ranked team, and it's been tryouts and negotiations.
Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
Frohe Weichnachten! Like people in here says

Dir ebenso fröhliche Weihnachten! Du solltest mal in den Alpen Skifahren gehen! Wo warst du überall in Deutschland? Kannst ja mal in München vorbei schauen

Hope you get that Are you still in Germany?
Element <3
guyyys! I'm gonna start playing Tori a bit more, I missed this damn game cx
Hop in any time in the next week and I should be on.