@eruki:Just No..NO! shame on you.. shame.
This is not the App Place
Also i vote No
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Originally Posted by Eruki421
What's your real name? : Joseph
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : Black Belt... Yeah i know..
How long have you been playing? : Probably bout' 7 Months
Current Country / GMT? : Western
Former Clans? : CoE
Why you left/got Kicked: We just don't talk anymore :/
Any Skills For the Clan? : Always go for the arm its the way to knock them down easier
How active are you forum-wise? : Yeah.
How active are you In-game? : Mhm.
Any Bans? : Not IP Bans
Any recent major infractions?: Nope.
Any Alts? : Nah.
If you have alts, list them here:
Did anyone refer you?: ATD, Avengd7x
Will you follow the Rules?: Do i look like i wont? XD
Anything else you'd like to say? Uhhh...Don't argue so much; Don't want you guys to split.

Auto-rejected for me. Please read the rules on where to post this.

Originally Posted by Beta
Originally posted by inferno? Um... Bro.. I think you are a few letters off, and stuff... Lol
In f=B e r= t noXZ a

Yeah....I've been busy....and i'm tired...Deal with it. :P
Originally Posted by Eruki421 View Post
What's your real name? : Joseph
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : Black Belt... Yeah i know..
How long have you been playing? : Probably bout' 7 Months
Current Country / GMT? : Western
Former Clans? : CoE
Why you left/got Kicked: We just don't talk anymore :/
Any Skills For the Clan? : Always go for the arm its the way to knock them down easier
How active are you forum-wise? : Yeah.
How active are you In-game? : Mhm.
Any Bans? : Not IP Bans
Any recent major infractions?: Nope.
Any Alts? : Nah.
If you have alts, list them here:
Did anyone refer you?: ATD, Avengd7x
Will you follow the Rules?: Do i look like i wont? XD
Anything else you'd like to say? Uhhh...Don't argue so much; Don't want you guys to split.

Applying at black belt without exceptional skill.
Your skill is kicking. A toddler could do this.
No. You aren't forum wise.
You've played 7 months and you're still a black belt. Amazing. The only excuse for that is you being a replay maker which of course, you are most definitely not.
You missed the common rule of reading the first post.
I can't do the splits. Jokes on you.
You've earned yourself an automatic rejection.
Uh I never gave reference to Eruki I just said that he could apply.. as can anyone.

Anyways wrong place and you didn't even answer most of the question correctly.

End result: No.
Last edited by ATD; Dec 7, 2012 at 05:07 AM.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Soo, apologies for my forum inactivity. I'm just working really hard in school trying to get my GPA
up to 3.0 or better. You know, school and all. >.<

By the way, I'm so brain-dead right now. Trying to think of music ideas, set ideas, school ideas,
everything ideas, but nothing's coming up.

And no to Eruki if my vote counts. ;)
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
For your records...

You've sent 1000 toricredits to Avengd7x

paying you back my dear friend <3

Because all of us needed to know and ave would have never found an extra 1k or saw that he got a pm saying that you've sent him 1k or that his trade history definitely not show this either.

Thanks for telling all of us. Because we wanted to know.
Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
For your records...

You've sent 1000 toricredits to Avengd7x

paying you back my dear friend <3

This is a clan DSC, And thats spam. The two don't go well together. We've warned you more than once, Please delete your post.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Because all of us needed to know and ave would have never found an extra 1k or saw that he got a pm saying that you've sent him 1k or that his trade history definitely not show this either.

Thanks for telling all of us. Because we wanted to know.

i lol'd at this XD

also i think we need to stop abusing op powers in ethr servers. like if you want to kick someone atleast have a reason and because its funny isnt a reason
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>