Let's just say you can do better in 2 hours that I can do in 6 weeks.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Well, I'm good at art, but I wouldn't be able to copy Rootz's style, it is, very damn original
the eyes are always big and mysterious, the skin is bald with some dark tone on it..

Oh, and btw, Rootz, you're using a tablet to draw these? right?
I'm working on an actuall Dragon head, No, not a texture, literally, a Dragon head.
It's looking good actually. I'm good at drawing portraits and shiz'. Maybe I'm not perfect
at it, but it does look okay, so I will probably do it. I could draw one of you guys, if you
give me an idea of how your face looks like.