Original Post
Neon Genesis Evangelion; Good or Bad?
So I'll just come back from the dead for a bit,

I don't know, I just wanted some different opinions on this.

After watching the show and movies several times, it took me a really long time to try and get an image of this show tried to convey or make.
Most people say this anime is bad for problems in the plot or they just think it's trying too hard to be deep.

Me? I liked this anime. I don't really know why, but just the whole feeling of it up until the last episode kinda gave me a "I hate this anime" or a "This anime mind-fucked me" attitude about it.


but I want some different opinions on this show. Good or bad? Just share them.
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i watched a few episodes and read a few manga chapters...i found it a bit boring :/
it was good! but missed some action from time to time

Well, it's one of my fav series.
Too lazy to explain why, had those discussion just too many times already.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post

Well, it's one of my fav series.
Too lazy to explain why, had those discussion just too many times already.

I know that feel.
I know it so hard. I actually attempted to try and make a response video to some guy who said Neon Genesis Evangelion made no sense.
This guy also said that the evas were robots, and children shouldn't pilot them, blah blah blah.

But then the video screwed up while saving the file so now it's all lost.

So who wants to talk about End of Evangelion?


I'm fairly sure Neon Genesis Evangelion isn't a movie.
Is just mentioning of a movie making this a movie/music dicussion?
Last edited by Xer0; Oct 31, 2012 at 06:17 AM.
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