Did you read the red messages above this application?:Hai ^^
Age (optional): 13
Where do you live? (optional): Brazil
What belt are you?: White
Where do you want to improve?: Everything, i guess Oo
Favorite mods: Judo
Why do you want to join?: Meet new friends and be the best player Muhahahahah
Did you read the red messages above this application?:
Age (optional):
Where do you live? (optional):UK
What belt are you?:Yellow
Where do you want to improve?:Basic Moves
Favorite mods:Idk :P
Why do you want to join?:meet new people and become the best like u guys :P
Originally Posted by Zikuze View Post
If you haven't noticed this clan is ultimately in-active on recruits so try Brave

Im not blue belt or over ;-;
Did you read the red messages above this application?:Hai!
Age (optional):If its optional, NOPE...well...ok...15
Where do you live? (optional):NOPE!!
What belt are you?:Orange
Where do you want to improve?:Fighting skills/technickes
Favorite mods:Fight for your life and Crazy cars
Why do you want to join?:To learn how to...(See where do you want to improve) *trigger happy*
What Belt are you?:Yellow almost green
where do you want to improve?:Akido Judo,Wushu
favorite mod?:Judo
Why do you want join?:I want to become better i'm already kind of good but not good enough.I want to be known as a amazing judo player.I want to solve problems and fights AND I want to be respected.
Did you read the red messages above this application?:Hai :3
Age (optional): Im 12 years old
Where do you live? (optional): I live in Holland The Hague
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Well everything like how to begin in wushu and other stuff
Favorite mods: Judo freerunning maps(im bad) wushu and aikido
Why do you want to join?: I want to get better to get tc and pimp my tori and have fun with friends when i met them

PS: Already thanks
Age(optional): 15
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: judo
Favorite mods: what is a mod?
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join a fun great group and i would like to have a great teacher to help me improve in Judo
hello im Dylan i have bin a on and off player never played this game for long never had help to start of till fount this im 16 years old and i live in south Africa my top rank was green belt but not on this account i wanto improve my free play skills like all those show offs that do parkor and dance in youtube vids sory for my spelling and gramer im not English i want to join the clan so that i have someone to talk to in the game and someone to hellp no i dont have friends playing this game and my favoret mod is jousting