Nope. Didn't like it. Deal with it.

>be me 10 minutes ago
>about 3 levels away from mom on the binding of isaac
>have moderate health, but since mom wasn't on this stage I would survive confidently
>open the door
>jump on the floor
>mom spawns
>get killed
>so does my happiness of the night
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Hey, I was waiting for someone else to post something
ya know because
yolo swag thug life
daddy kill the spider
>be in computer class
>teacher is awesome sauce
>small class, 25 kids or so
>teacher explains leaving a story with mystery
>ends speech with "what was that rustling?"
>dead silence
>dead silence
> me "must have been your jimmies"
>class 80% laughing, 20% wtf is a jimmy
>get high fives
daddy kill the spider
I don't get it ........ but I'm sure it was one of those in the moment jokes
anyways Noah and everyone Rate each of these from 1-10 on funnyness xD
Or see if you can go all of them out laughing *hehe hard*

I will show your amount vs facebook amount
Have fun
Last edited by EvilStealthWarrior; Oct 25, 2012 at 01:06 AM.
Toribash Senior |Wushu Master| YouTube Dancer |Video Editor| Senior Gfx artist| Univ of Penn Alumni|#Ivyleague