Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Just got a dota 2 invite thats up for grabs. Tell me a good story or give me free crap and you get yourself an invite.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post

Just got a dota 2 invite thats up for grabs. Tell me a good story or give me free crap and you get yourself an invite.

HL 2 Episode 2 for it?
I am not sure whether I need the inv or not, but I guess it won't hurt. I have the game already, but there are a few people left I want to give invites to.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
I was expecting this game to be really complex or skill based. But really it's just really complicated. 90 heroes with different skills and a shitton of items. It's basically made to punish new players for not having memorised 500 abilities and items.

It amazes me how little players know mechanically, even people with thousands of games under their belt don't know basic mechanical concepts. Things like health pool or mana pool or DPS are completely unknown, people just go for arbitrary items rather than thinking.
Ask an experienced player just what effect 1 point of armour has, and they will probably say something like "uh it reduces damage". They know it's good to have points, but they don't know what it actually does...

The game itself is arbitrarily designed without much thought, most things are straight copypasta from DotA:Allstars "just because that's how they did it". It's pretty funny when you see things that are glitches in WC3 or limitations of the engine, but in DOTA2 they are "features" or "gameplay elements". The screen is cluttered with UI and the camera is close to the ground. The concept of "unique attack modifier" is hilarious, considering how much time and effort was put in to working around this limitation of the engine - even by WC3 standards DotA:Allstars was primitive and badly made, so the copying is hilarious.

I guess it's a good game if you want to play DotA:Allstars with worse graphics and steam integration... Actually the one thing it has on DotA:Allstars is that the community is generally more friendly. People always gg and don't flame constantly, it's a pretty nice change.
still butthurt about icefrog

Its not noob friendly, so what? you complain that single player games are too easy and cater to noobs, but dota2 is too complex?
warcraft 3 dota wasnt noob friendly back when i started playing either, but it was fun anyway.
you learn quickly and you're pooled into games with players that have a similar rank to you.

the community is as good or bad as any other game.
heroes like lina, luna, lion or juggernaught are treated the same way as shovelers are here.
feeders are usually treated to whiney shits and complainers with "delete dota, you suck" etc
same as any other community

on another note:
Seraphic greevil egg done and dusted
and a baby roshan in my bag

I also still have 2 invites for dota2
full 512 textures for dota2 invite anyone? lol

-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Got a spare invite for me, BenD? Been looking to try out DotA2, I usually HoN.

Also I find the NA scene (or non-Asian, anyway [hur hur, the acronym fits]) to be generally more friendly than the SEA region. Holy crap the flamers and noobs on here. They can get worked up over a comment like "buy a ward". This goes for all the DotA variants, by the way.

Gorm, you haven't played DotA before? Or you somehow played it long enough to know what it's like while hating it all the way?
Last edited by joonveen; Nov 8, 2012 at 11:46 AM.
Started playing recently and I'm already starting to get the basics. Knowing how to last hit=success :P

I also have two invites
Go kick something
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post

Just got a dota 2 invite thats up for grabs. Tell me a good story or give me free crap and you get yourself an invite.

Fuck your stories, gimme the invite.
I mean; please.
Back for good.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
still butthurt about icefrog

Its not noob friendly, so what? you complain that single player games are too easy and cater to noobs, but dota2 is too complex?
warcraft 3 dota wasnt noob friendly back when i started playing either, but it was fun anyway.
you learn quickly and you're pooled into games with players that have a similar rank to you.

the community is as good or bad as any other game.
heroes like lina, luna, lion or juggernaught are treated the same way as shovelers are here.
feeders are usually treated to whiney shits and complainers with "delete dota, you suck" etc
same as any other community

Icefrog is cancer but I don't judge games based on who made them. I do however judge them based on the opportunity they had, which was the move away from the WC3 engine, and that they made absolutely no attempt to take advantage of the situation.

Dota2 isn't complex, it's complicated. The complication is basically just from having too many heroes with too lax balance, too many items without proper sorting, and too many ambiguous and hidden mechanics that are not apparent. For example, a lot of new players have no idea why a catapult takes so many more hits to kill than a normal creep. Armour and damage types are not transparent. Neither are stacking between attack modifiers, interactions between magic immunity/spell immunity and abilities, stacking of cooldowns and buffs, etc. All legacy issues should have been fixed and rebalanced instead of copied out of laziness.

There are plenty of game communities that advocate teaching players how to play instead of telling them to quit. The inflated learning curve means that you can't pick up even the basics of the game in a few games, because the game is highly based on builds and esoteric stats and skills. Playing mechanically essentially makes you a good player, but you don't actually know how to play the game. It's unavoidable that players need to play thousands of games to learn all the heroes. There's something like 15E combinations of heroes the can occur, and barring that even if you can master a hero in a single game, that's at least 100 games, which takes about 50-100 hours.

Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
Gorm, you haven't played DotA before? Or you somehow played it long enough to know what it's like while hating it all the way?

Yeah I have played quite a bit, DotA, DotA:Allstars, LoL, DOTA2, and a bunch of other AoS's.
It's fun to play with friends, but the game itself is terrible.
I'd rather play DoE or ToB than DotA, they are more balanced and follow set conventions that make them easy to learn.
Even Enfo's consciously chooses to make their game easier for new players by having limited items, well sorted, heroes each have descriptive skills, there's no hidden mechanics - if a hero deals magic damage or a skill deals shadow damage it says so. One of the worst things about DOTA2 is partial or inaccurate skill descriptions; "targets friendly or enemy heroes"... Yet it doesn't target friendlies, so if you were relying on that skill to save your life, you're out of luck... Other things like damage immunity (shadow damage pierces of course), and skills that just outright don't do what they say, ugh. A game can be fun in certain situations without being any good...

I have a spare invite too btw, so if you don't have 512 textures to pay Ben... I only charge full 256