Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Muse View Post
No one loves you, and we're all gonna die before you get back

end of world in 2012 believer ?
French Froggy
Originally Posted by Shigechio View Post

man i'm a good secret keeper ;) say it to (us) me.
French Froggy
I'm gonna be honest what I think is gonna happend in 2012 December 21th. I think that it's just gonna be a wake up call for people out there to stop living in a world where people get killed all the time, kids die due to hungry and I just think it's gonna be a revolution going on.

Others say it's to kill off most of the public so that the deal with the ET's for test subjects can be sealed and they make their own race of civilizations. It has kinda been proven through most videos.