I am active unless I'm doing school work. I'm moving in 2 days but I'm still active on the forum.

Originally Posted by sham View Post
We're pretty desperate for activity. Honestly, if this guy can bring some life into this clan and stay active, I say yes.

We're on some pretty different levels here.

No to all current applicants.
Recruitment is open, it's just that all the recent applicants completely ignored the freeform rule or made terrible applications.
Last edited by Facade; Aug 5, 2012 at 03:34 AM.
what am i doing here
Hey! I'm Isaiah, I am 15. Ive been playing for a total of 2 years but I stopped for ahwile to find that my account was hacked of everything. So Now I have this brown belt account, (Almost black, only like 30 games untill I meet!) I consider myself nice, But I am Bipolar, so I am kindof sketchy on stuff like that, If you dont accept me for that I understand! :P Im good at most gametypes, also. Maybe the only mod I litteraly have NO skill in what-so-ever would be Ninjutsu! :P Im also VERY active!
Alright, I don't really know what else to say I guess. I hope you do accept me into your clan! -Isaiah

P.S. My name means Seargent Titties! xD

Also another edit! I am now a blackbelt again, so hurrah! And because my keyboard hates me and I have to type slow, Can I please just skip out on the Giraffe essay? haha

P.S.S! Ok, This is the last edit! I don't use IRC, NOt often atleast. and I live in Ohio, USA! Sorry for so many edits guys im kinda on a rush here xD
Last edited by seargentit; Aug 5, 2012 at 02:09 AM. Reason: forgot some stuff.
I didin't actually beat her.
Haha, Thanks. And your profile picture is the most amaising thing in the history of everything, ever. "I'm a pirate!"
I imagine that in a Morgan Freeman acent for some reason o_O
I didin't actually beat her.

Hi! My name is Tyson/Flux and im turning 14 in 5 days. I am a 3rd dan black belt and I am active both in-game and on the forum. I do not visit IRC's that much but if i am directed to i will. I have been a part of the community about a year and a half. I have strengths in ABD, Wushu and Runkido. I tend to avoid Taekkyon and Lenshu. Other than toribash i have a Xbox 360 and play that, I have already stated in my first attempt for a application that i like giraffe's even though they aren't my favorite animal they still are awesome! Thank you for taking the time to read my apllication! :>


If you can try to be Active on IRC, i vote yes.
I know i'm not really active at irc lately, my pc is broken (again).