Original Post
Help please
Hi everyone!
I bought a 512x512 head texture (not an image) to "update" my boring
128x128 pixels head.
So, lets get to the point:
I cant see a difference on my head (at the quality) it's still a little crappy.
Does it have to be like this or do i have a problem?
help please.

- Pheyli
You seem to have both the 512x512 and the 128x128 head items activated.

Deactivate the 128x128 head texture item and upload the texture you want to the 512x512 head texture item.
No, i had a 128x128 Texture Head
i bought a 512 x 512 and now... NEVERMIND
firebolty answered my question(s)
Thank you :3

- Pheyli
Close this thread if it's no longer needed

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Last edited by suomynona; Jul 1, 2012 at 06:12 PM.
Maybeh you have the 512x512head but whit the 128x128 image
You have to get a 512x512 image and he will look good