Hi, I'm John, but you can call me Alchran.
I like the color orange,
My favorite food is tacos

My favorite animal is the shark,

and thats about it!
{[ A L C H R A N | IS | AWESOME ]}
hi there my name is Steven Lee (in real life) im 11 and i played toribash about 3 years ago. but im attracted to minecraft so i left toribash for whole 2 years then i loved it again
Hi, I'm Miguel, but you can call me miggielbi. I'm 14. I'm a greenbelter, and my favorite mods are aikido and ninjutsu. And I also like participating in tourneys.
Hello. I'm Flamezzzzz
I've been playing this game for around 2 months. I love it. My favorite mods are Judo, Jousting, and Akido. I just started buying/selling items and (ATM) have Marine Primary and Secondary gradient.
i am gonna make it short!

first :i am ikki the saint the pheonix so don't try to :
-attack me
-flee me
-fear me
- hate me
- breath in front of me

second:i am not gonna kill you (if you don't want to)

third: yes i am a noob but not in judo

fouth: if everything is understood i like you ( and the fact that you understood everything)

fith: yeah i know, blue hair = wonderful

ps: you read everything that cool i like even more i am search my saint armor of the pheonix if you find one i'll try to reward you
Last edited by ikkisaint; Jul 25, 2012 at 01:55 AM.