Happy Wheels is pretty boss. I'm too lazy to make an account for it though.
Maybe when TeamTamahakk is up and running properly.

Jeez, look at all these new clans!
the goblin
I made it for him.

With love <3.

And yeah, but we just have to try hard core. I'll be making a set soon, so it's cool.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Habeeb View Post
I think we have a greater potential with many influential clan, it does suck.


Didn't really understand that. Sorry for being rude.
the goblin
I am sorry didn't re-read lol.
I meant...
I think we have a greater potential with many influential members in our clan with great talent, it does suck.
The main issue is probably your lack of members and the lack of member activity, the only ones I see post here are Tamakuu, Alaister, Habeeb, and Humper. Before applying for officialness again, make sure you're ready and have a sufficient amount of activity and a larger memberlist. Don't rush into things.
what am i doing here