Yes, tombstone joined the brony order.
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
Tombstone's been a Brony for a while, I think.
So many good songs! LINKS AHOY

All of these are by tombstone

the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned
Nice tutorial, muay.
Also, sorry. I can't sing, if I do; I'll probably blow your minds.
Literally, as in explode.
Frost is pretty cool
I can rap, not sure about sing. Why?
I'm suddenly interested.
the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned
I can write lyrics, if that's what you mean. I could do music too. Oh, do you want me to make something as like, a proof? I could do that. And I'd be happy to sing for your song, muay.
the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned