Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
You're doing this in blender ?
do you have any tutorials ?
my brother is making a game, they need a modeling person, so i guess i can try to model something up there.

I would love to help making a game, since i've always wanted to make one :P

but school takes alot of my free time and rugby makes me fucking tired to do anything at all xD

edit: i have a tutorial for a low-poly knife but its not that great
and yes everything is blender
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
I make head textures for requests,
learning how to paint with brush.
My results are pretty good.
see it.


I can make discounts for JollyRoger members.
Just PM me.
is the Lion c/p?

I like Wolverine,

I've been following your progress in the art section, and I can say you have come a long way
wishful eyes deceive me
I am seeing better and better results of textures.

I made the lion with gimp 2.6
the fur is made with 1 pixel sized brush
and a pen tablet, I was copying an image
searched on google Images.