Original Post
Larger Avatars
How much do I need to send per pixel?
Who do I send to?
Am I able to get GIF images as well?
Last edited by Shmevin; May 1, 2012 at 06:17 AM.
Originally Posted by BarneyStinson View Post
You have to buy ToriPrime (10$) then VIP ($7)

Actually, some users bought larger then possible avatar images that go past the standard 100x100 or 150x150 for VIP users. If I recall correctly the price is 100k + 1k per pixel size over, however I'm not entirely sure that is correct or if administrators offer this service anymore.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
Actually, some users bought larger then possible avatar images that go past the standard 100x100 or 150x150 for VIP users. If I recall correctly the price is 100k + 1k per pixel size over, however I'm not entirely sure that is correct or if administrators offer this service anymore.

what are you talking about.

<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
you should probably just try the irc and ask if there are anyone that can help you complete the transaction.
Quitting toribash dawg
This isn't a simple transaction. Most users with larger avatars, special usertitles etc are given them by admins as a special favour. There is no set price or specific set of actions to follow. You'll find most admins will turn you away unless you are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of TC because, let's face it you don't need a larger avatar.

Speaking as an ex-admin I would turn away nearly every user who asked me and frankly found it quite annoying when I was bombarded with these requests. I would especially make a note of turning away users without VIP as they are cheating the system so to speak.
Just an addition to Fee's post, a fine example is rittu. He was an admin last year and he has the biggest avatar height-wise on the forum. He also has an animated picture usertitle.

Admins will only give these large ones to people who have a prominent staff position OR normal users who have done great contributions. Example is Tryton. He has been helping unibash for quite some time now and he said he was awarded a large avatar for that.