Ebon Casket

One of them (probably Aber) goes to find a nurse, while the remaining two men intercept Noxus at the door. The leader keeps a hand on the hilt of a large hunting knife.

"That's not how we treat women in this inn. I think you owe her an apology."

Noxus frowns and looks to Terme expectantly.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Ebon Casket
"My apologies, Lord Noxus."
Terme unsheathes his sword and slices at the hand resting upon the knife's hilt in the same stroke.
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 24, 2012 at 04:48 AM.
Ebon Casket

OoooOOOOoooh a Shiny Bodyguard.

"Don't, not for me" she says between sobs and the bursts back into bawling. Preying on sympathy.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Ebon Casket

The smith stares at his spraying stump with dull eyes. A groan erupts from him as some of the women in the room scream and the room erupts. The blacksmith slumps to the ground, groaning blankly, sweating and pale, at what used to be his hand. His friend goes pale and clammy, and licks his lips, backing away from the bodyguard. Noxus shields his face from the arterial spray, and backs into the doorway behind Terme. Seeing the two armed patrons, he draws his own rapier, eying them warily.

The other patrons are either exiting or screaming for guards, or both. Two of the patrons draw broadswords, but don't approach, seemingly indecisive as to get involved or not.
Last edited by Thorn; Mar 24, 2012 at 04:59 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Ebon Casket

God damnit. It was a risk. And sure enough it failed.

Serah keeps up the act as she staggers out of the main hall to find an exit.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Ebon Casket
Holding his sword out as a warning to anyone considering following, Terme backs out of the doorway with Noxus, still keeping a watchful eye.
Ebon Casket

Noxus follows Terme. Outside, several guards approach, quickly.

"We don't have time for this. Take the package to Atticus. I'll take care of the gu-"

His statement is interrupted by a gargle, followed by a confused stare at the wide blade protruding from his abdomen. Noxus opens his mouth to say something, but only a glob of blood escapes his throat. His eyes glaze over as his knees buckle and he slides off of the broadsword. There's another sound, familiar to Terme. Something tearing through air, coming towards him.

Meanwhile, seeing Noxus fall, the guards start sprinting to the scene. The crowd outside parts way, gasping, screaming, and watching the events unfold.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Ebon Casket

After finding a back exit she goes around the building to end Noxus while he is distracted only to find her job has been done for her.

Well that works.

She shrugs and walks off towards the stables.

Upon reaching the stables she sends a message to Naudius with the news.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Central Plains

Realizing this guy was no pushover Raethan regains his balance and half steps half jumps closer to him, and uses his right hand to swing his sword at the mans right leg and holds his shield close in preparation of a counter.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip