good luck to you with your clan=)
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Originally Posted by xcess View Post
Yo guys. I'll made a clan, so cancelling my app.
Thanks for attention from all.
Good luck with jolly <3

good luck babe!
wishful eyes deceive me
I am going to attempt to rejoin.

Name: Cristian
Belt: Masterbelt
Mods: Any and all baybee.
Ingame Activity: 3.7/10
Forum Activity: 22/10
Why I want to join:
You guys are my family I've already spent 2 years or more with you guys so I figured I would spend another 2 years =D. We all knew that I would try come back, I didn't really expect it so soon though, I miss you guys, I feel like something's missing when I'm not communicating with you guys. Also if you take longer than a week I will flip a shit pretend I got a bunch of other invites and join eVo, cause I'm hardcore >=|. Nojustkiddingbutthelittledropkickdramamademelolabi t:3. Anyway I dunno what else to add. I don't have any replays, etc.
Sexuality: Straight
Penis: Erect
Dragon: Dead

Here's a song that I like
Dunno what to say Hippy,
we will discuss you, but don't have too high hopes.
wishful eyes deceive me
I don't understand how that negates my history with you guys. Yeah I am clan hoppery, I still always try to go back to Jolly. It's just a way to explore tb. See what kinds of circles exist.

If you want I can install tb and we can talk there. @ My fathers house.
Well, a big thing for me is that if you really wanted here, you wouldn't have left. Jolly seems more like Plan B to you when Plan A doesn't go as well as you'd have hoped, in my opinion.
Uh sorry for the invade,but i want to say my opinion if you allow.

Hippy is active young man.
Jolly roger is his home.
Other clans is their friends homes.firstly you think that there's better but after some time you want to go home again,along with your real friends and family.He runs away sometimes,but comes back.

Maybe my opinion does no matter to you,but since hippy is a nice guys,i think you should give him one more chance.