Where do you live?:miami florida
What belt are you: brown belt
Where do you want to improve: running,wushu, judo
Favorite mod:akido
Why do you want to join: so I,can help in clan wars and improve like you
Originally Posted by vladius123 View Post
Where do you live?:miami florida
What belt are you: brown belt
Where do you want to improve: running,wushu, judo
Favorite mod:akido
Why do you want to join: so I,can help in clan wars and improve like you

Bad reason, and an incomplete app.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by woowoowoo View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application: hai
Age: Not telling
Where do you live: US
What belt are you: Orange/Green
Where do you want to improve: Aikido, wushu.
Favorite mods: Aikido
Why do you want to join: I want to be well known and get into toribash, i've been rejected twice... But, i am good and if i improve i will be one of the greats one day. This clan will help me do so, so please accept me
I edited this, so i hope this works

Originally Posted by woowoowoo View Post
Can you please recheck my app? I edited it so please read it.

Looks good, accepted.

Check out the introduction thread while you wait for your invite.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Did you read the red messages above this application?:hai
Age (optional):15
Where do you live? (optional):indonesian
What belt are you?:blue
Where do you want to improve?:aikido,balancing
Favorite mods:judo,wushu
Why do you want to join?:because i wan to enter a clan and search a new friends
Last edited by l4mbads; Jan 14, 2012 at 06:40 PM.
Originally Posted by l4mbads View Post
did you read the red messages:yes
age: 15
where do you live: karawang,indonesian
what belt do you: blue
where do you improve: aikido,wushu
favorite mods: jousting
why do you want to join: because i want to enter in a clan.and have a new friends

Improper application.
daddy kill the spider
What belt are you?: green
Where do you want to improve?: judo
Favorite mods: aikido
Why do you want to join?: cuz I want to improve my skills in all the mods
Last edited by maker4move; Jan 13, 2012 at 08:55 AM.
Originally Posted by maker4move View Post
What belt are you?: green
Where do you want to improve?: judo
Favorite mods: aikido
Why do you want to join?: cuz I want to improve my skills in all the mods

Improper app.
daddy kill the spider