somehow i doubt that armin will came back
and hey takuzo
and guys do you want to sponsor my org(HoN) event?
Tricerafi Alternative acount(until i came back from my vacation)
Originally Posted by Nyxcs View Post
somehow i doubt that armin will came back
and hey takuzo
and guys do you want to sponsor my org(HoN) event?

np, i support it
Hello guys i'm back. ;)
And Count, sorry that i didn't kept my promise to came back on time, that it was exactly at December 19th/20th, my exam was finished, but in the middle of it, my internet broke down, so i can't open this up for some days.

Now my internet is fine again, so i can post here again. ;)
Once again, i'm sorry.

And btw, welcome for any new members ! ;)
Last edited by Blackacezi; Dec 29, 2011 at 10:38 AM.