I didn't comment on this?

Oh, well it made me laugh because the shark-lioness is shuffling. It looks awesome. Also the forums are being weird with posting. It keeps making me doublepost and then saying I have to wait some seconds in order to post yada yada.
Last edited by Acavado; Dec 2, 2011 at 03:29 AM.
Well, thank you. :3
That was just supposed to be an outline type deal but I liked it colorless.
Unless you peeps think it'll look better if I colored. x'3
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
I didn't comment on this?

Oh, well it made me laugh because the shark-lioness is shuffling. It looks awesome. Also the forums are being weird with posting. It keeps making me doublepost and then saying I have to wait some seconds in order to post yada yada.

Same thing happened to me.