Lol at the end, if was one of those people running to get the stuff to like survive, I'd probably run fast for 1 in a half seconds then fall on my face.
How do I die? Getting trampled to death when trying to get le stuff.
I'm impressed, I imagined the hunger games like that.
A good summarization of how I imagine it, anyways.
Last edited by fluffykat; Nov 16, 2011 at 12:24 AM.
I think I would actually make it. Make it near the end before someone, on of teh careers shot me down, yeah.

This one time I was with my best friend, I was like, what, six? Random dog comes at us with murderous playful intent, and we were in her back lawn, which has all these pine trees (basically their families version of a fence), and I logically ditched her and hid behind a tree.

So even though I can't run, I'd grab something with just instinct, and run away. Then pass out. Pull a, whats her face, fox face, maneuver, and shteal everyone elses stuff.
I'd ally with the fruit and we'd survive but at the end I'd kill myself to let you win cause I'm nice like that.
I'd kill myself by consuming my skin then making a hole in my chest and ripping my heart out.
Then I'd take a huge bite out of my heart before I die.
Last edited by fluffykat; Nov 16, 2011 at 02:49 AM.
Y'know, I might just die of physical exhaustion: do well for half the days then collapse and being consumed in a fireball or stabbed. You would have to drag my dying body up a tree and I would just hang there. Dying.

Maybe I'll dig a hole in the ground or something and hide there. With a knife.