Uric, Ishi, Aj, Ed. You know why. That and you guys are awesome friends.

SpaceLlama, for your general friendliness. That, and no one can keep me up longer than you and Uric.

Numbers, for walking me through LoL.

Pretty much everyone from Secret, especially being Kunamikaii and Wolfe.

Every other replay maker I know (Zalmoxis, I avidly watch your replays, dunno if you'll come back to see that).

Liquidoom, for being the best always.

Firebolty, Tinerr, Colossus, and my other fellow UT friends/acquaintances/people I look up to.

Kunamikaii again, 'cause you're my best bud.

Hanz0, Vox, Suo. You keep things clean around here, and I respect that.

People who hang in #support always helping out other members of the community. They're amazing people.

Jetsnix, for your wide admirable musical tastes.

Fluffykat, because you're fluffykat.

The list could go on, really.
Inq | GM | ORMO | Replay Thread
Need help with anything? PM me
Beta | Orko | Uric | Vodka | Aj | Ed | Firebolty | EJM | ChuckNinja
<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
I admire nuthug.
and hampa.
and Doridian.
and suomynona.
and maybe avwave.
and War_Hero for holding shittons of tb world records.
Pulse, Larfen and Deejayy741, because they are/were so goddamn awesome
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
I admire people who are good, and who teach and help others to become better players.

I also like people who take their time in their posts, and have good attitude because people forget, there is an extremely steep learning curve in Toribash and it's not easy when people say you suck and are terrible.


Festus (Very nice, and humble)
Rutz (My inspiration)
Larfen (Kicks too much ass)
War_Hero (He is one of the reasons I came back)
Hipotibor (Helped me get my career on track)
hanz0 (He's coo')
0rigami (For believing in me, and being awesome)
And all of the wicked people I had a pleasure of meeting.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/