Originally Posted by Przero View Post
which person do you respect the most (non staff)
same as above but for people on the staff.
and also why is it that rittu by the looks of it (from what i can see) does hardly anything?

Because he makes the things so awesomely that you don't notice it, it's like a special magic.
Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
Is it allowed to broadcast a betting server and put in decap prize.
But then if someone did the prize 2 times in a row just not give it to him whilest your in uniteam?

Didn't understand your question. If it's a complaint, feel free to use the complaint box.
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
how staffy are you staff members

Do you guys hide things from us? eg. you know something but just say you don't?
Opinion on trolls? (besides the obvious)
Is it possible to ban Hampa? or would he be able to unban himself
do you guys ever use alts, so people don't scream "omg look everyone horde him".
Why is it that at beginners at this game can never speak english?
How come SpaceLlama got the item llama luck but i can't get the item DropKicker? (mostly how did llama get llama luck)
Why does Slipanc have basically every collectors item

  • Pretty staffy sometimes.
  • Sometimes, yeah. Usually stuff that involves other user's privacy or things going on behind the scenes.
  • Mostly painfully boring. So few users can do it right.
  • We probably could, but it's a pain in the ass to sort out someone's permissions after a ban, especially special cases like hampa. also, he wouldn't stay banned, seeing as he's got the whole admin team and a bunch of employees to come unban him, in addition to having access to the forum database itself.
  • It's probably a safe bet that most of the staff has at least one alt. I've got two kicking around, but I don't bother to use them.
  • I don't know. They're usually massively impatient as well though.
  • Obviously due to his special llama luck being extra lucky.
  • Likely because he helped create a handful of them.

Originally Posted by Sazo View Post
uhm.. i have a question.. you may call it an request

I want toribashians to have a right to a defender before getting inracted/banned

Solax is correct. This isn't real life, you have no rights.
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't work on the internet, especially with a community of this size.
Originally Posted by Sazo View Post
uhm.. i have a question.. you may call it an request

I want toribashians to have a right to a defender before getting inracted/banned

You have a defender, the rules, try reading them some time, don't worry, they don't bite, they are inanimate data represented graphically through the use of fonts, your browser and the internet, why did you think they would bite?
Last edited by Vox; Oct 10, 2011 at 09:05 PM.
not to mention that lawyers are extremely expensive and have the potential of crashing the market
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Question for nabi studios and devs: Will you ever go back to actually making real releases of games, or do you plan to just milk users for forum packages and bought qi/tc for as long as toribash's popularity lasts?

Elephant in the room, really.

Also: if a rectangular pyramid is oriented such that its apex is located at -40, 100, -40 along the x, y, and z axes in your typical 3D grid, and the line from this apex to the center of the pyramids' base is 1,000 units in length and passes through the point 0, 0, 0, where are the four vertices that make up the pyramid's base and the center of this base located? Note that the pyramid is aligned with the ground, so two base vertices must be aligned on they y axis. Please give your answer in coordinates rounded to the nearest integer, in x, y, z format.
Show all your work, too.

For some reason vox edited out that last question telling me to use wolfram alpha. Unfortunately, when I entered the question into wolfram alpha it provided me with the definition of "rectangular." I am at a loss as to how that helps.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Oct 12, 2011 at 05:33 PM.
Buy TC for a great price here!
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here!

Hey look more than two lines.
Do we need to ask permition to signature someone's quote in IRC?

By the way, does Hampa play Toribash online?
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Do we need to ask permition to signature someone's quote in IRC?

By the way, does Hampa play Toribash online?

No you don't need someones permission.
Although if they ask you to remove it I'd do so.

And hampa does play when he needs to test something, but very rarely.
Is there ever a point in time where you guys feel like resigning from any higher class committment, i understand it can be hard and frustrating, like if you wanted to resign from being a super moderator and along the lines of that.

also, are the toribash characters layouts always going to be so geometrical like that, I think it would be a great idea to keep the same joints, but make them look more realistic.
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
Originally Posted by hans11 View Post
Is there ever a point in time where you guys feel like resigning from any higher class committment, i understand it can be hard and frustrating, like if you wanted to resign from being a super moderator and along the lines of that.

It happens now and then that a smod or admin will step down, either temporarily or permanently, to focus on things like school, or their personal life. They usually come back at some point or other though.

Originally Posted by hans11 View Post
also, are the toribash characters layouts always going to be so geometrical like that, I think it would be a great idea to keep the same joints, but make them look more realistic.

I think that changing the character models would break any existing replays, because the replays depend entirely on the physics engine and models to be consistent. If you open one up in notepad, you'll see that they're essentially just a list of what joints were changed, and at what frames. It's also the reason why replays don't work very well, if at all, with scripts that affect the characters.
Last edited by Lapsus; Oct 12, 2011 at 05:22 PM.