I hope to get a name change to "Cell"
It's more compact and it works on different levels.
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.
Very good.
I always like capitals in names.
Looks polished, and squared off.
Inactive Due to RL Issues.
But I still love [l]. I also love you.
My first account's name was


How fucking horrible was that?

EDIT: then i used "CheZe" then changed cheze for Sheoh then changed that for aleatoire and then i told hampa to change it back to cheze but now it was Cheze without capital Z and stuff, then some months passed and i got 100k (this time i had to pay for it) and told admin to change it to Alejandro.
Last edited by Alejandro; Sep 13, 2011 at 10:10 AM.
I will always use Weddark...
First account's name was weddark...I only changed the first letter in uppercase