Hey guys, just re-joined Toribash after a long break and Echoforce invited me in via IRC. This was convenient because I've been hoping to start up again with a new clan, new account, new everything. So I looked over here and you guys seem great, and you've got SpaceLlama and Uric who I used to be in [doc] with. So I'm hoping to join up with you guys, how bout it?
Last edited by Nathandos; Aug 21, 2011 at 03:22 AM.

Hello people all over the world ;3

my name is iSleep but you can call me Snorlax

im a pretty asum guy i mean i can make anyone laugh challenge me if you dont belive me
im also super loyal even if it goes badly for this clan i would not leave untill i got kicked
i am a 8 dan black belt i just discovered the forums and its like a new world opened up for me ;3

my special skillz are just being awesome, i think that the example has already been brought

i have a skype so we can get to know eachother better, but if you want it pay for dinner first

i can be online in the irc whenever im on the computer which is like all the time

oh and im 19 years of age hobbys : ... hmm .. toribashing? and bodyslaming enemies ofc

ACCEPT me or get bodyslammed
Hi there my name is Brachaikal
Im 14 years old,i have a curly black hair.Hmmm....wait why i tell you about myself?
okay lets we start again shall we,my name is brachaikal i here to apply for clan membership.I am blue belt (So what,i active in forum only).My grammar is 50/50 (i still confidences with my app). I can adapt to a new place easily,and looking forward to know you all guys.

I lop yu al (It means I love you all)
especially Uric and Spacy

Plz considered my App
Current Teknik TC:30000tc
Sup yo.
Heya [clan].
I kinda know you already that's why i'm applying.
So yeah my name is dad u can call me Daddy if you want ;o
I like to hang out with mom and do diffirent dad things.
I have that strange feeling that i know SpaceLlama in real life...But i dont
You probablt know me from irc.
Also irookie asked me to join.
My best mods are...AikidoBd,aikido,wushu,judo,jousting etc.
Also i do arts.
Ofc i'm not as half good as Chris or Hagan,but i'm trying to improve so don't judge me.
If you will accept me i will buy uric a brand new right leg.
i'm active on forums ingame irc etc.
Dat is all.
if you need something more just ask.

Name : DarkDemonx - Mike
Age : 16
Belt : 5th Dan Black Belt ♥
Usercard :
PAst Clans : Daf , Element , Hunters .
Best Mods : Aikidobigdojo.tbm , but i like to play Taekkyon Too , but i'm better at aikidobig
Activity Ingame : Very High
acitivity forums : high
Why i want join ? because for me , [Clan] is one respected and amazing clan . why ? Echoforce , uric , spacellama , iRookie♥ they are good players , and other guys are nice too , Ximdx , lostfury and dmau5 , the others members i dont know yet , but if i join [clan] i will help all members , and all members will help me . irookie is my friend [He got my static in a duel :/ ] and i duel with he sometimes , and i guess this clan will improve my skills .
irc acess : Yes
Informations : I'm from brazil , and my favorite mod is aikidobigdojo , i was rank 3 , but i stopped to play 1 week and because this my rank is 70 now :/ i'm not good at spar , but i'm trying improve it . i started to play 1 year ago , this is my 3th account , because my friends hack me all the times .
Talent : my brother is teaching me how to make GOOD heads and sets .
Thanks for your time :8
Thedevill ~ Moneyboy99 ~ dragonsfc
belt:brown( i know im at a low belt but play me and see)
fav mods:judo,akido,wushu
reason:i think clan is awsome and im not just saying that and i allways wanted to join clan.since i was a white belt i allwayes wanted to join clan. but if i cant join u guys will always be awsome.
thax for reading.
Originally Posted by XxInSaNeXx View Post
belt:brown( i know im at a low belt but play me and see)
fav mods:judo,akido,wushu
reason:i think clan is awsome and im not just saying that and i allways wanted to join clan.since i was a white belt i allwayes wanted to join clan. but if i cant join u guys will always be awsome.
thax for reading.

Instead of ignoring these types of people/applications, can we just reject them?
They tend to quote their application later and be annoying and stuff.

ops' on my application , i dont posted the replays , because i cant post now . because i lost my all replays , but i'm making new replays , i just made 3 replays but i'm trying make 2 more replays for post here ok ?

thx for your time again :*
Thedevill ~ Moneyboy99 ~ dragonsfc