Endurance Onslaught 6.0
[EDIT: On second thought, dumb jokes are fun. Continue! :D]
Eth, no it doesn't. You're an idiot and your feet smell of rotten oranges.
Last edited by DaMehMan; Jun 9, 2008 at 04:05 AM. Reason: Screw you smileys! D:<
Dare I partake in the Jew-bashing, circlewanking fiesta at hand? Hell yes. HebrewHmr is nothing more than a ripoff of a terrible motion picture made in 2003 (see: wikipedia). DahMehMan is but a poorly chosen tidbit of a street ebonics-laced lyric from a semi-popular rap song (see: Pitbull - "Dammit Man")
doodsan now @ Legend.
See you in: Aikido, Judo, Twin Sword, Classic Mods, TK, TKD, Wushu. Give me TC nao
Oh Wikipedia, truly the best place to get trustworthy information. Did you also discover that Judiasm is a direct branch of athiesm? Because everything on Wikipedia is true. Lose one internet, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Oh well pardon me, scholar, but shall I escort you to the equally effective IMDB this time? Considering that proving the existence of a movie shouldn't require a source more credible than wikipedia, which is quite often the first result I get from google's .23 second searches. Monopoly is for punk beezies.
doodsan now @ Legend.
See you in: Aikido, Judo, Twin Sword, Classic Mods, TK, TKD, Wushu. Give me TC nao