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New spiderman movie

What are your thoughts and opinions based on the trailer?
I personally think it could turn out good. the new actor actually looks like how Peter Parker should look and fans of the comic will appreciate this version more.
Last edited by kt700; Jul 27, 2011 at 07:08 AM.
I went to the moves today and saw the trailer for it. I was wtf-ing as I watched, questioning why the fuck they're remaking spiderman.
Wow, this is awesome.
But at the same time a bit boring because we all know how the story starts and blah blah blah
But I like the new feattures.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
questioning why the fuck they're remaking spiderman.

because movies over 10 years of age are severely out-dated.
Originally Posted by BioEx View Post
Wow, this is awesome.
But at the same time a bit boring because we all know how the story starts and blah blah blah
But I like the new feattures.

same, anyway i'd like to know what it meant by 'play god' and 'secerts kept from us'
anyway is that the original spiderman's son or is it just a remake?
Nah that's just a remake.

And rumor has it that they remade it because the original movie didn't follow the comics as much as this one.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

''Let's milk the dead cow, let's milk the dead cow! Fans didn't like the last one, and they will like this one, this one is soooo real to the comic, and we need more money! MORE MONEY!''

Really... What's next? They gonna re-make Captain America half a year from now, cause the movie the made sucks hard? Idk, man. This looks like just another quest for dollars. It's bitter truth that so many movies about superheros failed, just because Hollywood is more looking for the income.

At least Batman was excellent. But since Heath Ledger is dead, no more scary Joker. :[
They should just forget about the spiderman movie series and move on to a different marvel character like deadpool or something.

8O:the new Captain America is pretty much another remake of a much older Captain America movie
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