Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[TNT-Tv] Vids & Info
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All new vids will be posted above.
Replay challenges for this will be discussed in [TNT-Tv]Discussion
This Thread is for new vids and new Characters.

If you wish to be in a vid you must:
1-Be in TNT
2-Be able to create decent replays

Just create a bio for you tori like the ones below and post it in [TNT-Tv]Discussion with a few replays and a few lines saying why you want in.

Sparring Special


Name: Uke
Age: Unknown
History: Uke has been having his ass kicked for years by citizens of Tori-World. One day he met Swammy when he was just starting to spar and they became good friends and training buddy's. Unfortunately Swammy always won, untill one day Uke decided enough is enough and started to fight back (or atleast stay upright) This was the birth of Fatality Replays and Spars.
Fighting Style: Novice Blind Dragon + Pwntshu
Combo Dummy - Uke can take hell of a beating.
Skill Clone Jutsu - Depending on the user Uke has the ability to clone that players techniques n fighting style (because they are using him ofc xD)
Combo Dummy - Sometimes he forgets to actually fight back.
Slow Thinker - Tell Uke to lean in and wait for a decap and he will :/ Silly Uke
Quote : '' AAAAAWWWW CRAAAAPPP - decap ._.''
Training Partner: Tori
Trained by: Hampa (lol thats why he sux)
Likes n Dislikes : Likes Winning, Hates Loosing. Hence his life of emotional pain.

Name: Swammy
Age: 22
Short History: Swammy was raised is the slums of Tori World. After his parents kicked him out onto the streets he began to loose his mind, fighting and murdering random Tori's so much it became comical. One day he was captured by a vengeful Tori named Uke who had Swammy's eyes ripped out.
Swammy developed his own fighting style using echo location to target his enemy and has been pwning with it ever since.
Fighting Style: Master of The Blind Dragon
-Martial Arts = Master of the -30, 9th Dan
-Hearing = Able to pin point your exact location from just the thud of your pulse.
-Madness = No fear for his own safety, an intimidating attack won't scare him.
-Human = flesh n bone.
-Blind = I can't see shit yo
-Madness = No fear for his own safety, will attack even if it looks impossible to win.
Quote: '' I can hear you sweating, it will be over soon ''
Nemesis: Uke
Training Partner/s: SwexxElite
Trained by: Master Lexx , Master Romanovsky
Likes n Dislikes: Likes the smell of blood, hates the smell of his own.

Name: Swex/ Jon
Age: 18
Short story: Swex aka Jon grew up in a small village with much of nothing to do. One night he was having a drink at the local tavern, when suddently a drunk guy smacked him across the face. Jon stumbbled for a quick momment until he regained balance and then reached for a chair, he swung the chair against the attacker and he took it right to the head, he fell unconsious to the ground, but jon wanted more so he started slamming and slamming him with the chair until his skullcracked. The locals were so terrified so jon knew he couldn't stay there anymore so he traveled up to the mountains. Where he found a training dojo and there he trained and trained until he had masterd all the diffrent martial arts.
And so the era of Swex begun.
Fighting Style: MercilessWalrus
-Projectil Mastery
-Light and swift
-Katana Mastery
-Marial arts
-Light armor
-Weak against shields
Quote: "Life isn't a gift, it's a plague"
Nemesis: Tengoman
Training partners: Jets,Swammy,Ferrock and Lexx
Training by: Self tought
Likes and dislikes: likes an worthy opponent,dislike Strawberrys.

Age: Rumored to be an oversized Fetus.
History: Festus was originally a miscarried child. Somehow the Fetus mutated into a monster. Nobody exactly knows where he was born, but he was first sighted at a bar. Festus, even though he wasn't the most beautiful looking Tori, and always was patching up his wounds, he made many friends due to his lighthearted personality and his sense for humor. He now leads a clan composed of his friends, they are known as the Drunken Masters. One of the most whacky stories about Festus was the one in which got drunk, and killed one of his enemies by puking on them. Festus to this day hagngs out with his friends, terminates his enemies, and does it with a smile.
Fighting Style: Drunken Monster, a mix between conventional stand up fight styles, and whacky acrobatic stunt moves.
-Lack of Substance P:
The booze numbs the pain. Through excessive drinking, Festus has stopped producing Substance P, meaning he feels very little pain, and therefore can brush off very strong attacks.
Although Festus was a human fetus in the womb, he has mutated into something that cannot be deemed as a human. His skin is thicker, his muscles are stronger, and his liver is a phenomenon.
-"Everything is in Slow Motion":
Yes, this is DM's slogan, but it is also one of Festus's strongest weapons. Festus is so agile and perceptive, that things seem to go in slow motion when he fights. He will predict moves, and aim his moves, and finish the fight before his enemy knows what's coming.
Festus does stupid things, but they are really funny. This also carries into his fight style. Sometimes he just goes with the flow, he doesn't care what his move turns out to be, he just knows it will work.
Similar to Swammy's madness, Festus's judgement is often impaired by booze, so he tends to get himself in sticky situations.
Festus sometimes has too much. After a really good few days of Toribash, he may go into a slump and his skill level may be lowered for a period of time.
-No low grav: Although Festus is an amazing -30 fighter, his low gravity skills are average.
-Fatigue: After playing Toribash for a while, Festus needs time to cool off or he will not play as well.
Quote: "Vodka, vodka, Boris Yeltsin!"
Nemesis: Himself
Training Partners: Jets, Shuckle.
Trained by: Learns from watching replays, eventually developed the Drunken Monster style.
Likes and dislikes: Likes booze, dislikes paying for it.

Last edited by Swammy2; Jun 9, 2011 at 12:18 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Post my description and festus's aswell, and it would be nice if you could make one of them smexy tori picture for me.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keIOUNr_PAM
I posted mine on the general chat in a spoiler, just saying.

Oh and here is the new and improved spar, I want to see what you(Swammy) think of it.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
Leader of [l]|ORMO Recruiter|BISH|[WTU]|[ETC]|Replays|[TGS]|
Gah sweet, gj swamz
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keIOUNr_PAM
I facepalm'd at my screenshot. You forgot to dl me, and a bad shader choice for screenshots :l
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

That is fucking awesome Swammy
Will there come more in the future?
The only thing I didnt like about it was the freecam at the first 2-3 replays.
Besides that, it's awesome. Really good job.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Ok, I'm back. I'll C&C now.

First video: The starting replay is nice, and your freecam is good. After the "OH MY GOD" text, the freecam become a littlebit messy, escpecially because of the earthquake-feature. You used it a bit too much. It ends kinda sudden too. You could've made some fadeout or something. 7/10

Second video: The start is awesome, because of the switchover to another tori all the time. The replays are good, and you've got some awesome people in the movie. The only thing bad about it, is the freecam which becomes a bit messy sometimes. Basically just because you move it too fast. When you change to a new replay, you dont have to look into the floor or the sky. It's ok the first few times, but when you've done it 15 times it becomes kinda annoying. The minor earthquake feature is used variated and works like a good boost to the video, when it becomes a bit slow and/or repetitive. Very good job. 9/10

Third video: This video is mostly made by the replays. You don't do much, besides freecam, change of speed and the blur in the sides of the screen. Nothing special about it, though it's some awesome replays. 6.5/10

Fourth video: The freecam, and the switchovers between replays and backgrounds is.. fucking genious. It's really epic, although I don't get the laughing part. I have nothing against it, but I don't see why it's there (Maybe I'm just dumb). The first part with writing is the only part I don't like. You use it too much. Maybe you could've made it look like you were actually writing it at the time we see it. Like making a blinking "_" infront of the letters, and then take one letter at the time. This is one of the best video's I've seen. 9.75/10
Last edited by NinjaBent; Jun 15, 2011 at 04:58 PM.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Problem: First video was a wip I never finished.

Another thing is yeah, my freecam is pretty bad, and there's not much I can do about it. I simply am too lazy to re-do the cam over and over again depending on how long the replay is. Oh, and about transitions, incase you didn't know, it's really hard to align the cam with the shader in TWO replays, so I pretty much have to resort to zooming in, sorry. The third video was basically to show off law's replays, because it was specifically for him, and his replays. And isn't that what a video is? Changing the speed, adding effects here and there, etc? Not all videos are like the others I posted. They can be synced replays with almost nothing else.
For example:
Last edited by TyZi; Jun 15, 2011 at 05:36 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up