Originally Posted by Powas View Post
I'm up for it.
Gonna visit Shin and Miska again in KG again this year, maybe also Verax in krk and Jtank is going to visit me in April : d Gosh, I'm gonna waste him so much xd

lol april, language failor. It was supposed to be june/july
Because of holiday shitting all over me, it will actually switch to somewhere in july or july/august.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by aleks95 View Post

do u wanna check soon my new dress? you know, how it looks on me, how fast it will go do-... um, nvm. holidays fine.
Originally Posted by SunR1se View Post
just remember: ALEKS95

i can be always a teacher, right.. kinda.. deep feelings teacher.
Anyway, I bet she knows how we look like ( show yourself thread, sup ).
Aleks isn't the most sexy beast there, for sure : d
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Anyway, I bet she knows how we look like ( show yourself thread, sup ).
Aleks isn't the most sexy beast there, for sure : d

oh i forgot to check that thread brb