Originally Posted by notnoob View Post
Also, if you want more dismemberments aim inside joints hits tend to be most effective when you do that.

I dont really understand this part. Could you explain a little bit more? And if you dont find your words could you make a quick screenshot showing it off? (im stupid ye)
> Piratez
Ok, I will show you with a voodoo boom example.

Before the hit you can see the head through the chest.

Before the result

Now that is the result of it.


k, done.
Sold my dog to join RRO
need some help with this one, Its been a while since i actually bothered to make a replay so im totally out of practice. Its a bit more fluid than im used to, need some ideas on what to do next, how should i reposition into getting a good hit and some other stuff.

so like help please.
Last edited by FinalWish; Oct 9, 2012 at 12:38 AM.
Attachment system is broken atm, but what I'm seeing that you're failing to get a decap without breaking your wrist is that what you need help for ?
If so here is my edit for you I hope it fills your needs:
And I followed the decap up with a setup for a boom hit.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Ive been gone for a while, but thanks for that man.
taking that initial bollocks a few steps further, ive turned it into a fine bit of derping around, obviously the final kick is far from perfect, but i cant seem to get into a good position from anywhere, any help and advice would be reciprocated with a great big kiss or something.

EDIT stupid attatchments.
Last edited by FinalWish; Oct 9, 2012 at 12:38 AM.