Endurance Onslaught 6.0
nah you dont have to tell us your age.

we'll just assume that you're 11.

bad grammar, bad attitude, bad spelling, bad reasons both to join and why we should let you join, you did not fill out the complete form = A BIG FREAKING NO
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Loje, I really think we need to start only accepting a certain belt.
Maybe black belt or 2nd dan, along that range.
Because it seems like people below that are just..ya'know, uh not good and stuff.
And the belts that are below black should only join if we played ingame with them, liked them, and recommended them.
But that's just me.
Throwing it out there.
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Loje, I really think we need to start only accepting a certain belt.
Maybe black belt or 2nd dan, along that range.
Because it seems like people below that are just..ya'know, uh not good and stuff.
And the belts that are below black should only join if we played ingame with them, liked them, and recommended them.
But that's just me.
Throwing it out there.

We want people who can at least spell good enough to be understood, and maybe know basic grammar, or better.
And people with non-asshole personality.

You find 10th dan black belts that spell like poop, and have a personality to match their spelling style, poop.
belt doesnt really say anything about the players skill.


since almost no one in this clan plays online our biggest criteria is having a nice personality. Which certainly NOT has anything at all to do with the belt.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Originally Posted by loje View Post
since almost no one in this clan plays online our biggest criteria is having a nice personality. Which certainly NOT has anything at all to do with the belt.


Also, can we kick lumpy liarpants out of the trial period and into the pile of decaying bodies that make up the rejected?

Or we could keep him and be entertained by his trollololololing.
I say, let me eat him, might taste bitter and caca-ish, but eh, he'll die, right?
And yeah, I just don't want annoying people trying to apply, that's all. Just gets me pissed -_- THINKING THAT THEY'RE WORTHY OF MY TIME.

Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Kindofdac, I don't know you stfu.
And I'm not a he.
Now gtfo

Lmao ^ Thats the first part of the app i noticed...as soon as he said "He", he was screwed by offending you lol.
Redbull Gave Me Wings