Originally Posted by KOTBOLT View Post
thats nice to hear that i always hear fucking hitler and some shit ..... the mist of them dont have any idea from history

Honestly, Germans are fine. They're nothing bad, just because someone that was German commited a vile act doesn't mean all Germans are bad. I'm sick of hearing this as well. Germans are pretty nice if you actually get to know them, the German language is pretty interesting as well.
what am i doing here
wow im just proud to be a german basher and its good to know that there are some people that dont say every time they talk with me Hittler stuff.....sry for bad engl.

Germans are like people from every other country. There are good ones and there are not so good ones.
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Originally Posted by KOTBOLT View Post
wow im just proud to be a german basher and its good to know that there are some people that dont say every time they talk with me Hittler stuff.....sry for bad engl.

exactly where do you find it neccesary to say hitler 3 times and bring up the same point 3 times in 3 posts?
They are nice to me. Just like regular people.

Although, the Germans who speak broken English usually end up sounding stylish which is pretty cool. German language is pretty cool too.
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
thats wrong, fact is that most arabic players cheat. (FACT)

Source? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I don't mind Germans, I don't think I've ever met a German person, tbh. They have a pretty bad past, but a lot of countries do, so oh well.
This belongs here, refrain from posting things in discussion when they're really not discussion worthy.
collect snots from the nose
Well I'm having 4 German girls visiting my house (School affairs). They've been eating and drinking all in the house. I have bad experiences with people from Germany, so I think that might've given me a bad view at them.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Germans are cool. One of my best friends are German. He is hilarious.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Although, the Germans who speak broken English usually end up sounding stylish which is pretty cool. German language is pretty cool too.

those that speak it, yeah
those that type it, no...

nuthug and blowallout are my age and we get along 100%

Germans are fine.
country is irrelevant.
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