[14:18] <&PV2Caribou> hmmm
[14:18] <Nil> lol?
[14:18] <&PV2Caribou> i think a wild macrid may be spotted soon
[14:18] * SShemen ( has joined #TLL
[14:18] * Macrid (webchat@7CE3C404.FA3BA9BD.85CF67E2.IP) has joined #TLL
[14:18] <Nil> LOL
[14:18] <SShemen> rwar dmit
[14:18] <Nil> LOOL
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
oh well i was talking to Fear, and no winner for now, we don't have enough entrys, and i won't give till we have good entrys, so if u, ppl from the clan don't do it, I'll invite people from outside the clan, and the event will be really harder ^^