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[DSC] Clan [Rockstar]

disregard this thread!
Last edited by Killer111; May 6, 2008 at 02:48 AM.
[Sin]Killer111 3rd DAN BLACK BELT
When You Hit A Wall, Dont Stop, Go It All Out
Originally Posted by Killer111 View Post
Legend of a Rocker:
one day long ago in toribash a dictator by the name of Sife ruled the world, Many Of the worlds bravest toribashians ganged togeather to try and defeat Sife,but just at this time the plants alined and a 1 Rocker arised from the ashes of the men who had fallen. He leaded the band of brothers to battle and they defeted the dread Sife to reclaim the toribash world! BUt now agin 3000 years latter the toribash world is in troble agin. He needs a new band of warriors to help him save toribash from the evil toriclans, He Needs You!



Originally Posted by Killer111 View Post
Legend of a Rocker:
One day, long ago in ToriBash, a dictator by the name of Sife ruled the world. Many of the world's bravest ToriBashians ganged together to try and defeat Sife, but just at this time the planets aligned and a one Rocker arised from the ashes of the men who had fallen. He leaded the band of brothers to battle and they defeated the dreaded Sife to reclaim the ToriBash world! But, again 3000 years later the ToriBash world is in trouble agin. He needs a new band of warriors to help him save toribash from the evil ToriClans, He needs YOU!

I'm Back!
The grammar is hurting my eyes.

Take my advice and use Defyant's edited version instead. Even though he missed one word.
Or actually 2 words, it's supposed to be lead, not leaded and again not agin.


Other than that, good luck.
volcano i actually agree with you. i see clans that just pop up and didnt earn it... like ive seen clans that are official with like 2 members its to easy to become official in my oppinion
hey why would you call us corny weve just barly stared!
[Sin]Killer111 3rd DAN BLACK BELT
When You Hit A Wall, Dont Stop, Go It All Out
I told steller i quit and made team rockstar and he said he wanted to be my alise!
[Sin]Killer111 3rd DAN BLACK BELT
When You Hit A Wall, Dont Stop, Go It All Out
the many grammar and spelling mistakes want to make me kill you -.-
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

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