woooooops, answered about the wrong person to dill

I said yes because we really don't have anybody who can do textures in the clan right now. And if amjad was in, maybe he could help generate some funds for the clan which would let us hold tournaments and competitions to get our name out there again

By the way, amjad, if you still want a chance at getting in, i suggest you post some of your textures, maybe it'll change a few minds if it's good enough.
Last edited by Parker1287; Mar 24, 2011 at 05:47 PM.
My shop
Preferred Mods: Tk and aikido
Referrals (if any): StellerGod
Previous Clans: Nope
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): None
Talents(Tb related): replays
What you will bring to the clan: Skill and respect. I am a very serious person.
Other stuff we have to know: 132 alts D: bad bad
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
Attached Files
Ormo Weekly comp 1.rpl (116.3 KB, 6 views)
Chase decap.rpl (117.9 KB, 8 views)
tkl 1.rpl (79.6 KB, 5 views)
I'd like to play him myself before I make any decisions about this, I'm very iffy about it as of right now.

I'll set up a server [42]recruit and hopefully tango will see it soon, i'll try to remember to keep an eye on it, but no promises :P
Last edited by Parker1287; Apr 2, 2011 at 04:38 AM.
My shop
server is back up, one of you get on it

pw tango

Played him in aikido, tk, betabox

really good player, tk on par with dieman

apparently he's sold previous accounts so he's actually like a 10 dan when you add up total qi from sold accounts

yes from me
Last edited by Parker1287; Apr 2, 2011 at 08:36 AM.
My shop