Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Due, to some happennings today, I totally see that I don't really deserve to be in this clan, it all starts with YoYo

[18:40] == Razor was kicked from # advclan by Yoyo [so you can go and fuck your fucking mother]

And than, Ok, I kinda accept but...when I ask some things, and have certain answers, I thinked a little more, and saw that I don't earn, deserve, got, the respect that I need, wanted, or deserve it, that I thought that I would. Than I talked with calmdown, to say what's gonna happenning and than we had this conversation:

[00:11] <Razor> hey man
[00:11] <Razor> help me
[00:12] <Razor> I'm seriously thinking to quit advclan
[00:15] <calmdown09> What for?
[00:15] <Razor> I don't get the respect that I thought that I got
[00:16] <calmdown09> well
[00:16] <calmdown09> You just gotta reach out with the clan members
[00:16] <Razor> reach out ?
[00:16] <Razor> what you mean ?
[00:16] <calmdown09> Make friends with them.
[00:17] <calmdown09> make some
[00:17] <calmdown09> Jokes
[00:17] <Razor> I'm already
[00:17] <Razor> but
[00:17] <Razor> I think I'm not making it
[00:17] <calmdown09> Hmm well.......
[00:18] <calmdown09> I respect you in the clan cuz you have more respect.
[00:18] <calmdown09> Some clan members don't even know me.
[00:19] <Razor> yeah
[00:19] <Razor> and you wanna know more ?
[00:19] <Razor> Muur, said that I would be the 3rd moderator
[00:19] <Razor> and guess who is ?
[00:19] <calmdown09> Rayleigh
[00:19] <Razor> the fucking guys that have 1 week, at the clan
[00:19] <calmdown09> Well it's cuz Ray has been in alot of things involving Toribash things.
[00:20] <calmdown09> They just think he's more experinced with leadership
[00:20] <Razor> I have mod experience too
[00:20] <Razor> and I have adventure alot more experience than ray
[00:21] <Razor> I think
[00:21] <Razor> they don't even read the applications
[00:21] <Razor> they already had choose it before
[00:21] <Razor> ...
[00:21] <Razor> its always that stupid guy
[00:21] <Razor> he called me stupid and douchebag
[00:21] <calmdown09> Well my only adise is
[00:21] <Razor> but when Muur and silco there
[00:21] <calmdown09> advise*
[00:21] <Razor> he's totally cool with me
[00:21] <calmdown09> well he's a douche
[00:21] <calmdown09> i know that
[00:22] <Razor> yeah
[00:22] <Razor> and he got accepted as 3rd mdoerator
[00:22] <calmdown09> he just is Silco and Muurs little Pet.
[00:22] <Razor> thats why I think I'm going
[00:23] <Razor> If I decide to go, can I use thats conversation as reason ?
[00:23] <calmdown09> yeh
[00:23] <Razor> thx

And now I'm here, Quitting.

And, no I don't have afraid to show what I talked, cause this is me, leaving toriclan thing etc. etc.

was good to met you guys, I won't forget you all, Good Bye.

~Thx for all

By: Razor
Originally Posted by Razor View Post

[00:19] <Razor> Muur, said that I would be the 3rd moderator

Um..I never said that.
Also, bye, you'll be missed seeing as you were one of our 1st members.
Plus, we based off the fact that Ray has the most moderating experience.
Replay Event

Replay Event!

Information about this

-calmdown09 is hosting

-The decided thing to do is a boomhit into a skeet. (Think of an event name now.)

-We need event guidelines(to be made after approving theme)

-We need some judges, so far it is calmdown09 and Muur and we want 3 more. Nevermind.







-We might need some more prizes

-Need to have some dividers if possible

-Hopefully this event will be up by next week

-set prizes right now 1st place=10k, 2nd place=5k

-Looking forward to an awesome event

If you want to be a judge, PM Me or Muur
Last edited by Muur; Mar 13, 2011 at 10:26 PM.
I recommend an event called like "Tori-snipe" or "Sharpshooter event".
My idea is have the person do a nice madman or trick etc. then have them skeet the Uke and it must look cool.
I will miss you, Razor. You were a great member and I'm sad to see you go. It is too bad that you disagree with our leader's choice for the 3rd moderator, which I myself, also was worried about, but, I respect Rayleigh a great amount and beleive that he will do an amazing job with his new post.
I'm sorry you disagree, and hope you have good luck out there.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Lol guys if you haven't noticed I Add Rayleigh as mod like amost a week or so ago.
I was seeing how long it would take you guys to notice.
I'm back :)