Spamming is a dumb way to get your post count up, he should learn before he is let back in.

I don't believe you got my point. What is Bleu? We are here to promote the game, promote the community, create disciplined players. "There is no bad student, only bad teachers." What you are currently saying is: Oi, suck because your broke the rules, and I don't care if you knew them or not, become better and we'll consider you. Really? Firstly, at which point is he counted "better"? Secondly, why are you so picky and selective on the recruitment system? Again, we are here to create discipline and promote the game. Instead, we could reply with: It's alright, just remember to learn from your lessons, and never do it again. We should be TEACHING these new people to the forums of what's right and what's wrong, we don't let them teach themselves. If you believe you cannot handle this work, and they're just a waste of time to you. Sorry to say, but I don't believe you are fit for the job.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Hey guys and what happend whit my chance??*****
Im really sorry guys
Im in again??
Last edited by Thunderstruck; Mar 7, 2011 at 05:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by OfUnknown View Post
I don't believe you got my point. What is Bleu? We are here to promote the game, promote the community, create disciplined players. "There is no bad student, only bad teachers." What you are currently saying is: Oi, suck because your broke the rules, and I don't care if you knew them or not, become better and we'll consider you. Really? Firstly, at which point is he counted "better"? Secondly, why are you so picky and selective on the recruitment system? Again, we are here to create discipline and promote the game. Instead, we could reply with: It's alright, just remember to learn from your lessons, and never do it again. We should be TEACHING these new people to the forums of what's right and what's wrong, we don't let them teach themselves. If you believe you cannot handle this work, and they're just a waste of time to you. Sorry to say, but I don't believe you are fit for the job.

I am so "picky and selective" as you put it is because as you probably don't know because you weren't here, we had 100 members a while ago, and only 15 of them ever posted again after they posted in the app center, so its pretty hard to teach when they don't even come back to the board and just try and do whatever to get in, e.g spamming.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Age: 17
Where do you live?: Finland
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: General control and be able to make own moves
Favorite mods: Wushu, judo
Why do you want to join?: I'm a newcomer as I have played only for about a week- I'm developing rather quickly and I would see this clan as the best opportunity right now to develop my skills and further understanding of the toribash community with other clanmembers and maybe even get teaching on specific things and furthermore become a better player and a part of this community

I know this is my first post since I've been just really active on the playing part xD- but I'll fill those missing posts as soon as I can :P
age 15
user jathan duuu...
location not comfortable
belt: orange
I want to improve in: everything except jousting
Favorited mod: judo
why i want to join: to meet pple online (not relationship lol) and to learn toribash better.
Last edited by jathan; Mar 8, 2011 at 02:32 AM.
Originally Posted by memo3322 View Post
I am so "picky and selective" as you put it is because as you probably don't know because you weren't here, we had 100 members a while ago, and only 15 of them ever posted again after they posted in the app center, so its pretty hard to teach when they don't even come back to the board and just try and do whatever to get in, e.g spamming.

I already discussed this with Virtue. Instead of being selective during the application stage, since that may filter out many members with high potential, we do active activity checks. Again as I state, we're the ones who are supposed to be doing the job, being supervisors, and not the new players who know close to nothing.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Where do you live: Wellington, NZ
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Akido and judo.
Favorite mods: Akido, judo, twinswords and footmod 2
Why do you want to join?: I want to be part of bleu because i want to improve my akido and judo fighting skills, as well as make some friends. And my friend is in this clan (shades123)
I'm Ian, a Botanist at the University of Maine in Orono, hence "Botanist"

Age(optional): 18
Where do you live?(optional): Mass, student in Maine
What belt are you?:Orange?
Where do you want to improve?: Learn something besides my "signature" highkick haha. Oh and get some sweet colors going on on my guy?
Favorite mods: I guess just regular multi?
Why do you want to join?: ^^^
Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Age: 17
Where do you live?: Finland
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: General control and be able to make own moves
Favorite mods: Wushu, judo
Why do you want to join?: I'm a newcomer as I have played only for about a week- I'm developing rather quickly and I would see this clan as the best opportunity right now to develop my skills and further understanding of the toribash community with other clanmembers and maybe even get teaching on specific things and furthermore become a better player and a part of this community

I know this is my first post since I've been just really active on the playing part xD- but I'll fill those missing posts as soon as I can :P

Accepted, you seem nice, and eager to improve/learn.

Originally Posted by jathan View Post
age 15
user jathan duuu...
location not comfortable
belt: orange
I want to improve in: everything except jousting
Favorited mod: judo
why i want to join: to meet pple online (not relationship lol) and to learn toribash better.

Im not sure... Your grammar and spelling aren't too good, though you could learn. What's your name in real life? What do you guys think?

Originally Posted by Vibehunter View Post
Where do you live: Wellington, NZ
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Akido and judo.
Favorite mods: Akido, judo, twinswords and footmod 2
Why do you want to join?: I want to be part of bleu because i want to improve my akido and judo fighting skills, as well as make some friends. And my friend is in this clan (shades123)

Accepted. Work on your spelling/grammar. I am a grammar whore.

Originally Posted by Botanist View Post
I'm Ian, a Botanist at the University of Maine in Orono, hence "Botanist"

Age(optional): 18
Where do you live?(optional): Mass, student in Maine
What belt are you?:Orange?
Where do you want to improve?: Learn something besides my "signature" highkick haha. Oh and get some sweet colors going on on my guy?
Favorite mods: I guess just regular multi?
Why do you want to join?: ^^^

Accepted, welcome to Bleu.
Last edited by SupaLolCat; Mar 8, 2011 at 04:50 PM.