Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It runs through Steam and Steam only as far as I know, and as such it uses VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) to permaban anyone who hacks or cheats in any way during a game in a VAC secured server. Stick to the VAC servers and you won't get hackers. But you'll likely get elitists instead.
I"ll tell ya honestly.

99,98% Free to play games I've played, were horrible. Only exceptions are Toribash and League of Legends.

All games are full of Pay2Win, Pay for Content, Hackers, Buggers, Lag and w/e. Just get 10$ and buy something decent like, Counter Strike or w/e.
Get Counter Strike Source from steam and well for a few dollars extra you can get Garry's Mod with it which is lots of fun.
If you really want to know more I advise you go on youtube about it and go onto the steam website and look at it.

But man once you buy it its FREE... FOREVER! and they have V.A.C in Source so no hackers will be messing around cheating because it bans them and in the none protected servers (which I haven't found yet) they proberly could yet the non protected ones aren't worth playing.