Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I think after we go official then we should only accept people we know which would make it so they would have to hang out with us in IRC for a while. We could get a better picture of their personality that way, then we could also test them through one if our members. That would give us the best of the best.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Originally Posted by thenamelessone
I think after we go official then we should only accept people we know which

you crazy? that will make the adv a private board not a clan for all Toribashians...please don
't be a douchebag
Plus some people just don't do IRC. There are all types of Toribashians: artists, replayers, pro-ingamers, forum-users, IRC-users, marketers, and sometimes people are several of these. You shouldn't have to make them go on IRC. We should judge them mainly off their skill, personality, and app. Chances are, we'll know them. Nobody is going to want to join if they have to do like 3 test that takes forever. Yes, that might possibly give us good members, but your implying a non-group effort. After all, some of our great members don't go on IRC.
Belt(3rd dan or more):
Posts/Post Ratio(100 posts min):
Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity:
Past Clans:
Best Mod:
Why do you want to join?:
Why should I let you?:
Info about yourself:

^future app
Yeah, lol, I'm only brown, Lumie is only 2nd dan, and nameless is brown too I think. Maybe black belt would be a good limit though. I am going to be there in a bit.
i mean
after we got ofc, NEW MEMBERS must be 3rd dan or more

the members wich joined before, dont need to follow it
That might attract good members, but we might want to consult with Silco, before we create any definite decisions.
I think this will be unfair, why before we accept and now we don't accept, this is unfair too some players, cause there's alot of brown, black, belts guys that are pretty skilled.

And Muur, you are a Co-Ldr should say something concret about this idea.
I think we should go by skill level, not by belt. I've seen some amazing blue belts who would deserve to be here, but a belt restriction would ward those people off. So I think we should just test them. Say anyone who can hold their own against one of our leaders or members, will have passed the skill testing.

P.S. Lemon, that came out really wrong, I didn't mean to sound like a douche. I meant that we shouldn't accept people who we knew nothing about, and had like 10 posts. Sorry for what I said earlier, I wasn't really thinking how people would see it.
#Magnus - #Sigma