Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Why I want to join: Well lately i am applying for many clans

Applying for many clans? Do you quit many clans in before?

So, No.
Last edited by Chris; Jan 20, 2011 at 12:21 AM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Black belt or higher [YES]
Active in forums [YES]
At least one post a day [YES]
Ingame testing [NO] u havent tested yet though.

Name: Kooky [call me kook]
Belt: 6th dan
Age: 14
Why I want to join: Well lately i am applying for many clans and C3 is quite good and skilled. Friendly as well.
Why you should chose me: Im 6th dan. I am skilled and loyal. I become friends. I am a normal person but with skills.

~Note: If ANYTHING else is required please say so or PM me. Also note that i am applying for 3 or 4 clans which will pick me first ill be there's! PM Me so i know who chose me first!

You just caused me to have a seizure, get the fuck out.
We so nice :3
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Black belt or higher [YES]
Active in forums [YES]
At least one post a day [YES]
Ingame testing [NO] u havent tested yet though.

Name: Kooky [call me kook]
Belt: 6th dan
Age: 14
Why I want to join: Well lately i am applying for many clans and C3 is quite good and skilled. Friendly as well.
Why you should chose me: Im 6th dan. I am skilled and loyal. I become friends. I am a normal person but with skills.

~Note: If ANYTHING else is required please say so or PM me. Also note that i am applying for 3 or 4 clans which will pick me first ill be there's! PM Me so i know who chose me first!

Originally Posted by Kyou View Post
get out. I don't want you in my clan again.

Who, me?

Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Black belt or higher [YES]
Active in forums [YES]
At least one post a day [YES]
Ingame testing [NO] u havent tested yet though.

Name: Kooky [call me kook]
Belt: 6th dan
Age: 14
Why I want to join: Well lately i am applying for many clans and C3 is quite good and skilled. Friendly as well.
Why you should chose me: Im 6th dan. I am skilled and loyal. I become friends. I am a normal person but with skills.

~Note: If ANYTHING else is required please say so or PM me. Also note that i am applying for 3 or 4 clans which will pick me first ill be there's! PM Me so i know who chose me first!

First, we told you not to even think about applying. Yet, you proceeded to post your application. That's not the problem with me right now. The problem is you proceeded to post an application that is:

A - Short
B - pointing out that you are getting WAY too cocky when you try to apply to multiple clans, which one of them being an official clan (perhaps more).
C - full of three word sentences.

Normally, I try to tell people WHY they're application is denied, or the good things about their application unless they make one that is so absurdly bad that I HAVE to be rude.

If you're applying to many clans, what makes you think that we are rushing to try to get you into our clan? Are you retarded to assume that?

People who have a significant amount of skill (especially if they're applying to an official clan and expects that the clan will accept them) are not "normal" players, idiot.

Get the fuck out.

Originally Posted by hproducts View Post
Nope, from what Kyou has said I have very low respect for you, leaving a clan after such a SHORT period of time is disgraceful IMO, also you said that lately you applied to many clans meaning that you leave/hop/apply frequently and when you said you were loyal made me lol because I heard that you left Kyou's previous clan (Sexy I think) after 1 day of being accepted.
But don't let that bother you, there was once a guy who clan hopped with in 15hrs b4.
Soooo yeeaahhh, no.



P.s to LastGod <3 all your anime (from your list), I've found another anime fan (;-; of joy).

Yay! Anime ftw!

Originally Posted by chunnmeister2602 View Post
Hello. I am Chunnmeister2602.
I've been wanting to join this clan for a while, but because of my low qi I don't think I can.
I am a Blue Belt, but I have been playing for as long as Brains10 and he is my friend (in real life.) He encouraged me to join Toribash and taught me everything he knew, although it is not that much. ;; My join date might discourage you guys too, but I played on Brains's account for a bit. Please take this into consideration. ^^

Your post count discourages me to accept you, you're a blue belt (read the first post, please), and your application lacks any real information. Elaborate a bit and perhaps I'll say yes, if we test you (it's up to the others whether we test you or not).

Last edited by LastGod; Jan 20, 2011 at 01:57 AM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by Grodey View Post
oh so talked to kingsta, both he and mrteapawt know my seekrit and i'm in

You suck.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

ohohohoho heheheheheh
ohohohoohohohoheheheheoheohehoehehoehoehehoehoeheo heheoheheoeeheehoeheo

Trials Moderated Message:
User infracted.
Unwanted invasion. Post here again and it will result in a ban.
Last edited by Trials; Jan 20, 2011 at 08:20 AM.
Originally Posted by Grodey
oh so talked to kingsta, both he and mrteapawt know my seekrit and i'm in

Originally Posted by Grodey View Post
ohohohoho heheheheheh
ohohohoohohohoheheheheoheohehoehehoehoehehoehoeheo heheoheheoeeheehoeheo

In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.