It isn't. If u ever played board game of ''Risk'' this is it. Just online, in TB, version. :P
You come in room, do your move, fight and we update the map. Easy.
Omg , i just looked at minecraft and its sexy .
What version should i download ? Are there more versions like demo orrr.. ?
Piratez I Am
New account/name = perica
I'll put my name there as general, and I'll keep in mind that anyone who want's to apply for general, talk to me and I'll ask 8OJ4N to switch us.

Its rather simple, if u can't be on server that day just find replacement. That way u will always have someone to represent Piratez. If by any chance no-one can be on that day and hour, u ''miss turn''.
But u must know - general is most vulnerable when he is ''inactive''. If someone attack your general in state of inactivity u lose by default! You lost Territory on which u stand, go into retreat mode and your general suffers one (-) penalty.
Basically u lose 1 of 3 health bars.
All health gone - out of the game. Out of the game - You lose all territories that u had till that time. They became property of NPC Rebels again.
Originally Posted by GrayveXP View Post
I'll put my name there as general, and I'll keep in mind that anyone who want's to apply for general, talk to me and I'll ask 8OJ4N to switch us.

Good luck Grayve.
Adding me to the allies list would make teapawt happy.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else