Hey guys, yes i was banned for a day for a stupid argument with Clone and Dynasty. I hope this doesn,t affect my chances of getting into TLL.
Sorry guys.
whe better dont play jollyR... and whe alreday raped secret, how about "The pie clan" it was so annoying bevore whe had the board back i always thought whe are them. GRRR!!! xD
Porter Robinson is the shit
Originally Posted by Orion View Post
how do we determine if someone has passed an ingame test?

i always have thought of someone is good if they don't use canned moves and do a lot of relaxing
regardless if they win

whereas people making nooby moves even if they beat me
i consider it a fail

its just a idea but whe could like, upload the replays from tests and let people vote on it...
Porter Robinson is the shit
[Job]Everyones Mission: Banners
This can't go on.
We look like a disorganized bunch of newbs in comparison to other clans.

We can post all we like, but the forums still look like crap.

This is EVERYONES job (including me): Get banners for TLL!

You can make them yourself if you can, or you can go find someone to make them for us. Remember the bank has 190k in it (thankyou kill1704), so we can afford the higher quality stuff.

atm, I'd say this is more important than anything (posting, IRC etc.), so get on with it.