Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Please add your birthday, day+month+year.


25th may

15 years old, try to work out the year
Real name:Evan Mackenna-Ramsay
Birthday:20th May, I'm 16.
Place+GMT:Scotland +0

About Me: I like to spend my time playing rugby, boxing, working out, reading, playing xbox and playing PC games. Fave mods are aikido (and judo is fun, even if I'm not that good at it) :L Love being in Fr3styL, been here since quite near the begining.
That's about it really. Might update, when I have more time.
Fr3styL It's a way of life
Originally Posted by iamrubbish View Post

25th may

15 years old, try to work out the year

Mines the 23rd

▲ ▲
Real name: Mikeyl (Misha) Alexanderavich 'Vanilla" Ostrovsky.
Birthday: March 29th, 17 coming up. ^_^
Place+GMT: Israel, +2:00.

Very anti-social in real life, but people seem to like me anyway... Seriously, When I insult you... Get offended! O: <
Upgrading to a sweet electric guitar any day now, average height - Above-average nose proportions.
I like myself. (Also, recently let myself go. I mean it. ;o)

I like smillies, and talking, and sharing my emotions with othe---.
Real name: Benjamin Bjørn Tyge (Bjørn means bear )
Birthday: 21'th May 1996
Place+GMT: Denmark, Copenhagen, Amager, +1

About mey :3 :

I'm 14 years old, and i sit on ma big white ass all day long in front of the pc. Jk's lel. Nah i hang out with couple of friends, go to parties, make homework and play football, just like any other teenager. I have several hobbies. My biggest must be roleplaying. Not like Shakespeare and stuff, but where you roll dice and kill monsters o: I also like to play drums, which i do pretty often. Sometimes with my friends, who plays other instruments. I work out in the weekends, and i do atlethics (in my grandma's club, lol xD though it was quite famous once). My mother have been Denmark's best runner and went to some OL for young ones. Because of that she has preeeetty big expectations for me. So i can only eat candy and stuff one day a week. That kinda sucks. Im doing pretty good at school, and im soon up for exams. Im planning on being a psychologist, later in my life. Ima get 24 kids with Tim.
Last edited by NinjaBent; Feb 3, 2011 at 09:37 PM. Reason: Missspelled. Oh noes O:
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Real name: Chris Wolfe. (W-OO-L-F)
Birthday: November 21st, 1995.
Place+GMT: Florida, -5. Currently the only snowless state besides Hawaii. T_T
Nationality: I am part Irish, part German, part Dutch, and 1/4th English. ;P

About me: I am A.D.H.D. which means I'm hyper and highly unfocussed without my drugs. (weed, krack, etc.) . I like to laugh a lot, and enjoy making others laugh. I can speak Spanish, English, and Latin. I am mature... when I want to be. XD. I am very interesting to talk to, and can garuntee I will make your day in about 10 minutes if you talk with me. . I play tennis and kickbox, used to be a gymnast though. I love kicking ass and self decapping. xD