Nice Dsc. GL with clan. Requesting single allie
A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.
name: bloodyguy
gmt: -5
forum icr activity: 2 hours or more each day.
past clans: WOA
best mod: aikidobigdojo
talents: replays
why you want to join? adventure seems like a cool clan i like the banner and this clan seems fun i want to meet the people in it.
Why should i let you? i can help this clan.
Info about your self. im bloodyguy and i am a 10th dan, qi 10740 my favourite hobbies are playing basketball, i live in canada, ive been playing this game since april 4, 2008.
Pew Pew ( -_・)σ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
look at murr posts. my post is 250 now how much u want it to go up to?
Pew Pew ( -_・)σ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you joined this ame since last 2 years,and muur this month,
you only got 244 in 2 years
but muur can get 250 in 1 month

so,muur is awesome