Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I'm sorry to leave this clan guys, i have spent great time here, hope we will see each other in game. And i leave because i want to be back to my old friends in JollyR so i will try to apply there.

Sorry about it.
inb4 next ragequit because of s

i leave because i want to be back to my old friends in JollyR so i will try to apply there.

You leave because you just achieved custom belt and don't need us anymore.
Last edited by Verax; Dec 28, 2010 at 02:23 PM.
Szuwlet always stays a szuwlet.
Inb4 he will quit JR after some times in case of some shitty reason like language or sth.
ohai, sorriSo.
Well, haters gonna hate.
You still cannot write sth more than stfu, gtfo etc after all those lessons?
Unleash your anger : d Oh, well, I guess you're not even able to curse me properly : d
I nearly cannot wait to see what your next butthurt for will be.
The fuck, first time when I have to agree with Verax? World ends...
sorriSo, don't You think that it's pretty funny that You're quitting just becouse rage (about s, LOL)? Or maybe it's just Your ego (it seems to be as high as Mount Everest)? Whatever m8, I was with You when You were quitting CW, I was with You (or- at least- I was trying to be) when You were in [jgmt], but- the hell- now I don't understand You. That's great decision to leave that good clan (even if it's inactive like shit- that's true). Really, I don't understand You- especially that I remember that You said that You don't like foreign clans becouse You have problems with understanding them & talking with them. "I just feel that i will fit here, cause i like old JollyR staff."- can You explain me it? You fit there... when You cannot really be in touch with them? It's pretty strange...
Still, that's Your decision, even if it's stupid as hell- good luck, You'll probably regret it, but it will be Your trouble...
Weeell, IMO big letter at beggining of nick/name is just hmm... liek good grammar or punctuation.

Originally Posted by Thrandir View Post
(even if it's inactive like shit- that's true

@Sorriso: No, You not, canīt use GG atm D:
Better write SMS, inb4 wild hacker appear ;p